Sunday, November 16, 2014

Healing The Hurt

No close relationships are without some conflict. The test of a strong relationship is not whether there is conflict but how that conflict is handled.

I have certainly mellowed with age . . . . or at least , I like to think so . What was important to me once , has lost it's shine . I really have become quite choosy in my drama , if there is to be any drama at all

The one thing that has stayed pretty much the same has been my desire to have people like me . No matter how much I may say otherwise , other's opinion of me plays a big part in my self worth . Don 't we all have a secret wish buried deep within our heart to be liked by all ?

For me not to care , I definitely would have to be extremely angry at the person or the situation . With age comes experience in handling difficult issues and I have learned to walk away quietly , no matter the boiling rage inside . One can only keep turning the cheek for so long . 

Relationships can also change over time . You may have been close , sharing intimate parts of your life with another . They may have been over your place daily or you have spoken to each other several times a day . It doesn't matter , relationships with others can change and you may not even know when it has altered . 

Either way , I am learning to let go without much struggle . It may hurt , but is it really worth all the hassle of arguing who may be right and who may be wrong ? Arguments usually turn into ugly name calling , saying things that cannot be taken back . 

So am I hurt ? Yes . Will I get over it ? Eventually . Living life            takes time , whether it's happy or sad . So don't burn all your bridges , you never know when you may have to use it again . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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