Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Friend In Need

I've always been a people watcher , rather than actually participating . I prefer to sit back and take it all in . . . quietly . 

The same goes for my friendships . Few people can actually say that they truly know me . I only tell people what I want them to hear and that usually satisfies them and me . 

My friendships vary from friend to friend , depending on the level we are at and the experiences we have shared . I do not categorize my relationships into groups of " bff 's " or " acquaintances " . Each friend brings an uniqueness that I need in my life . They all provide a slice that completes my whole pie . 

I have a friend to have coffee with and another to crochet . 

One for visiting lectures , shows and another a traveling companion .

Some are great for wiping away tears and others for encouraging        hugs . 

A  friend to call when in need and one who sits beside me during chemo .  

I have a friend who is a rock to lean on and one who actually leans on me .

There are discussions and debates on politics , marriage and even        sex . It's a good thing I have a variety of women  in my life to share and experience all of these topics . 

I don't need any bff's or besties to  bare my deepest thoughts to . I want real women , from all walks of life who have experienced life , both the good and the awful . 

As Erma Bombeck best said when asked on advice she can offer a newlywed young girl marriage :

Find yourself many girlfriends . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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