Monday, August 4, 2014

Mission Monday

It's the first Monday in August . Can you believe it ? In a week or two , school will begin for majority of the children  . The weather will be slowly cooling off , as one season winds down and another prepares it's grand entrance . It seems the glory days of summer are almost over .

In the last couple of years , a rise in community social gatherings has occurred , especially within Churches . Groups have been forming to reach out into their surrounding neighborhoods for a game of softball , game day Fridays , picnics , family fests and even camping . 

People are trying to make an impression , a change  , reaching out to others who may be searching for something better . A message is sent signifying that change can be good and it can be fun , so why not come out and join us . 

Monday has come to mean a new beginning and even on the radio , people are encouraged to pay it forward somehow today . Pay someone's toll in front of you . Hold the door open or help carry packages to someone's car . 

Mission Monday : How are you planning to change the world today ? This week ? What is your good deed for this week ?

For someone like me , who seems to be shying away from people , this is an encouragement . At times  , it seems there is more evil than good in this world . There is hope , a light is shining , so let's pick up that torch .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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