Monday, August 11, 2014

Inspiring Monday

Another Monday , another week . A person can really become quickly depressed  , as we head out into the work world . If you are just like  me , you have to dig real deep to become motivated for the work week ahead . 

We all experience moments of drought and this has certainly been a very dry season for me . Mondays have never seem so dreary as they do now . The urge to stay inside where we are safe is overwhelmingly appealing . 

I look for inspiration all around me , for that one thing that would awaken the ambitious career-minded woman in me . It becomes harder every week . 

Inspiration exists inside all the strong men and women who have come before us , along side of us and after us . They live incredibly difficult lives  and yet they get up every morning and live . 

Their heads may hang lower than normal , but the motivating factor in their life propels them to move forward  and overcome odds to achieve their goals . 

This past Sunday , Emily and I were watching a foreign documentary about a young woman who came to New York city with her husband and two children from Columbia . After only one week in the U.S. , the husband heads out to  Miami for work , never to be seen again . He knowingly abandons his family and she is left on the streets with nowhere to go . 

This documentary tells a story of this young mom and the choices she had to make to provide for her children . A very inspiring and admirable struggle of life . The young daughter grew up to be a writer and film maker and she dedicated this film in honor of her mom . In fact , both the children grew up to be very successful professional people . 

Sometimes , the inspiration we seek can be found in the faces in the midst of the crowds we walk in everyday . The person we accidentally bump into could have an inspirational story to tell of his or her life . That rude remark came from a struggle they're experiencing rather than their upbringing . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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