Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Plowing Ahead

I often think about Paul and how he devoted his entire life to preaching about Jesus  . He was so passionate , so very enthused about his calling . Not everyone feels such passion in what they do , nor do they have that endurance power  .  

I also wonder if he experienced loneliness , roaming from city to city . I'm sure he has met and befriended many acquaintances , leaving them behind as he moved on . From time to time , he had helpers to keep him company or to share ideas with , but majority of the time , he was alone  ministering to people .

I can relate to Paul a lot . I have many , many friends , but very few that I totally bare my soul to . I think that some of us are better equipped being a good friend to many versus to just a select few .

There is only one person here on earth that knows all my habits , either good or bad . One person who knows all my triumphs , my failures and my shame . That person happens to be my daughter , simply because we live together .

Did Paul have a friend like that in his life ?

I certainly hope so . Life is so very hard , especially when you are alone . So few people understand the way we are built , the way we think and why we act the way we do .

I'm sure Paul had many disappointments in his life , especially when it came to converting others to Christ . I'm sure he had seen things that might have discouraged anyone else , yet he plowed ahead with even more determination . You have to admire him for that .

Paul's life examples of endurance , determination , perseverance and passion have been goals that I have set for myself . Whenever a time comes when things are the way I don't want them to be , I think of him .

Am I happy with my job ? No . Am I happy living where I am ? No . I am where I need to be for now . The list of things that I am not happy with can go on forever . I'm not going there . I choose the path that Paul took when he was dealt with lemons in  his life , he made lemonade . I'm plowing ahead , slowly but surely .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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