Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Love Affair With Food

I really appreciate food .

As a little girl , I have many times embarrassed my brothers by inviting myself to the dinner table when visiting friends or neighbors . I was a chubby little girl who eventually grew out of her puppy fat  . 

When we came to America , I was mesmerized by commercial ads for fast food . We were Polish immigrants , greenhorns , knowing only our cultural foods . We ate well , I just didn't recognize nor appreciate it . All  I wanted is that  peanut butter sandwich , twinkies and a can of spaghettos . When fellow classmates wanted to trade their lunch , my hand immediately went up . 

As I grew older , so did my experience with ethnic foods . I like diversity in all things , especially in food . I have no problem trying out new things , nor am I squimish . Buffet-style is one of my favorites . 

The funny thing is that in all of my youth , as I ate whatever I wanted , I never gained any weight . I had four children and the fat never stayed on . A little thing called cancer came and  . . . . 

When I went through treatment , one of the many side effects happened to be metal mouth aftertaste and nothing tasted good . Food no longer became a pleasure , but more of a hindrance creating nausea and at times , vomiting . 

Nowadays , I'm trying to live a healthy lifestyle where food is concerned . Any cravings I may experience have to be reserved for special occasions like weddings and family gatherings . Believe me  , I look forward more to the dinner than the event itself . 

So yes , I have had a love affair with food since my childhood . Gluttony happens to be my deadly sin , in case you haven't noticed .
When I eat , my face translates the pleasure of whatever I am eating . Is it no wonder that I am experiencing difficulties with dieting ? 

Have a Blessed day everyone and enjoy a slice of pie on me !

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