Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Colorful Life

What is  life , but colorful remnants of worn and used pieces of material . We begin our life as beautiful satin cloth covered in jewels of every
 color  . As we age , so does our garment , fading and gems falling off as we go through the cycles of life . 

There were times that I have felt regret as I looked back . Things I wish I had done differently or never done at all . Analyzing every aspect became almost an obsession as I critiqued the flashing color beams of my life . 

Have you ever done that ? Have you gone over your life's decision and wondered how things would have turned out if you went the other way ?

I find that when things are going great in my life than there are no        regrets . When I'm feeling blue , the opposite occurs .  

I wonder why my mind has been actively on overdrive these past few months . I believe it has something to do with my dream coming nearer and nearer to fruition . Perhaps this is more of a look back , a last glance into the past ? Into a colorful life that I have led , because it has been very colorful indeed !

I have made many mistakes and I can't turn back the time , but I can let go of the guilt . I've led my life the very best way I knew .
It's time to move on . We can't hold on to things forever , because we cannot change things that were . We can only change the rest of our colorful life . 

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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