Wednesday, April 23, 2014

We Reap What We Sow

We reap what we sow . This one phrase can be translated in every language , in every Country , in every religion  and it's meaning rings loud and clear . There's no mistake or confusion in it's translation . It's the same all over the world . 

It's amazing to me that people can spend their entire life mistreating others in every way imaginable and not think their behavior wrong .   In fact , I've heard one such person be offended at being called a sinner . 

During a conversation with an upper management superior , they brought out something quite interesting . 
 " People like that are bullies , Lottie ."
Yes , they are . . . . bullies . 

Bullies attract other bullies . They strike at our vulnerabilities , because they are miserable . They're not happy with the path they have chosen  and instead of changing their life for the better , they choose an even worse path . 

We reap what we sow . 

We've all experienced these bullies at work and in our personal life . Yesterday , I ran into one of my own . It lasted only a few minutes ,  and yet , they were able to put me in a place I've struggled to get out of for years . Memories came flooding back and I sat in my car reliving them
 all . 

Now , in the light of day , I found I needed that to happen . It's called closure . That experience will not occur again . The era of that time has ended and even if I were to have some of these people in my life again , it wouldn't be the same as then . Their reign of terror is over . 

I have made many mistakes in my past and I have wronged 
many  people . Things have been said and things done that I now regret and I'm sorry about  . None of us are exempt from making mistakes or from hurting others . The difference here is the acknowledgment and desire to learn from these mistakes . 

When I rose from the Baptismal waters six years ago , I have made a decision to live a righteous life . I may have inadvertently hurt someone along the way , but I have definitely tried to right any wrongs . My past may have been forgiven , but I still have to pay the consequences of my choices . 

We reap what we sow , my friends . We cannot be angry at the world at the outcome of our life when we alone are to blame . If we have mistreated people all of our life , we can hardly expect them to treat us like royalty . The fruits of our labor will be eaten rather they are rotten to the core or the most delicious ever tasted . Which would you prefer ? 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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