Sunday, April 27, 2014

Orphaned Me

As all of you may remember , my healthcare provider has not been able to come to an agreement with my hospital / cancer clinic  , so I no longer have a doctor / hospital . I guess , it is a very good thing I am in remission right now and not needing any treatment . What would I have done ? Postponed treatment until further notice ? 

Sometimes , I feel like hospitals and insurance providers are more like a business rather than an institution to help people get better . It's always about the money and making even more money . 

I went one last time , more to say goodbye then to get any examinations done . It was tearful to say the least . They have seen me in ways that even a husband hasn't , (:.:) , now we have to start all over again . 

So now that I'm an orphan , what and where do I go ? One of the things my former oncologist and I discussed was the different care available per hospitals in Illinois . They are a tight knit community having worked together at one time or another . Since all of them seemed similar  in credentials , I asked my doctor what I should do . 

Her answer was  simple enough . Choose whether  you want a male or female , then go for what is closer to your home . I have traveled a little ways in these past seven years , the idea of not having to do so seemed great news to me . 

Right now , I have two hospitals I'm keeping in mind . One has a male oncologist and the other a female . I prefer the female , but it will depend on my insurance first . 

Being without a doctor is not the  only way I'm an orphan . I have started a new position on a new shift where small groups have been already formed . I've also began new ventures in my Ministry work . It seems I really have put myself out there , trying new waters . I wonder how I will do?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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