Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Daily Rituals

Every morning , the first thing I do is have a cup of coffee and Emily has her green tea . We meet in my bedroom where the tales of the night before are told and the days agenda is planned . Then we go our separate ways . 

At supper time , after I say Grace , Emily reads a random verse from the Bible  and we discuss what it means . Sometimes , that verse actually pertains to whatever the prayer happened to have been . 

Where we eat our supper plays a huge role , too . We have a Couch day and a Table day . On Couch day , we sit comfortably in our comfy spots in the living room as we dine , watching a movie or favorite show . On Table day , it's more formal where we sit in the kitchen with the television off and actually have to converse with one another while we break
 bread . 

Sunday is our family day . That is the one day where we try not to fill with any appointments or events if we can help it . That day is strictly reserved for God and family . We do occasionally have a Wedding or something of that nature , but very rarely . 

These are just some of our daily rituals that we do in our little family . Many people believe that daily rituals make a person boring , but I believe they provide a sense of security to our loved ones . For me , these rituals offer a purpose to fulfill , a reason to get up and face whatever comes your way . No matter  how bad things can get , these rituals will always be there . 

Another plus ? Watching my son perform some of his childhood rituals with Tim and Hannah . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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