Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Work Of Art

My fingers ached with the pain of over-exertion of the embroidery needle . Eyes burning , too much coffee and not enough sleep , my body felt no different .  I've spent my entire day and night working on these works of art . Art ? At least , they are to me . 

Never has anything meant so much to me as these simple creations made by my hands . They're not grand nor are they rich in texture or design  , but they came from my heart . 

I know it's difficult for people to understand the passion I feel for my Ministry . I'm the crazy crochet lady , but I feel I was made to do this . If only people felt the same as I , imagine what we could do together . 

Things weren't always like this . I didn't have a path , a journey to speak of , but traveled on impulse than  actual purpose . Look how long it took me to get where I am today . How can I be upset with mankind then ? 

I can't , because we have free will  to choose the way we want to 
go in life . Unfortunately , most of the journey we go on the wrong path , lost and confused . I don't ever want to go back to that trail again . 

I wish I could do this for a living , instead of a past-time . This provides so much joy and fulfillment in my life . If a couple of day pass without my working on something , my nerves go out of whack and I become stressed . 

My only regret ? Why did it take me so long to realize this passion ?
Such a waste .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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