Friday, April 4, 2014

Growing In The Spirit

I'm very confident about who I am in Christ . It's not my faith that goes into question , but my growth in it . That's what it is all about , isn't it ? Growing in the Holy Spirit . 

Have you ever experienced that tired and desperate feeling of standing still in your Faith ? That scared feeling of falling back if you don't connect back into the fold ? Have you ever said to yourself in Church , I'm just not feeling it today ? 

I believe we all experienced times where these thoughts were  prevalent . These dry spells of not being filled up with the Spirit come and go as the Seasons . 

Majority of the time when this happens to me , I find I need something new in my life . That something could be a Spiritual Retreat or a new Bible study course . Maybe a Fast or finding time to spend with God for some quiet meditation .

It's not always this simple , though . There are times when a quick fix with our soul is not enough . Sometimes , there needs to be a more thorough examination to find what is causing that feeling of withdraw spiritually . We have to look inside and try to find that pattern that we all have .

I have a tendency to hold on to things , people or events more than what is good for me . I have always had  this innate sense that everything can be worked out if people really have a desire for it . I believe in HOPE . 

So this feeling of a dry spell is not because I am withdrawing from God . It's because I'm losing a little bit of that hope that the things I have been praying about will change or happen as I watch others receive it . Growing in the Spirit means waiting and trusting God that it will happen .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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