Monday, March 31, 2014

A Special Moment

This past weekend , Emily and I went to the movies to see " God's Not Dead " . Throughout the movie , Emily held my hand and would not  let  go . I cannot express to you the emotions that ran through me . I haven't felt a bond like that since I held her for the first time twenty-five  years  ago . 

That may seem strange to some of you , but this bond wasn't a bond of a mother and Daughter . We have had many special moments together during her growth from baby to adulthood . This was different . This felt different .

We have been to the movies a hundred times over , but we have never seen a Christian one together . We watched it as Christians and we understood the message portrayed as Christians . This bond between us was the love of Jesus . 

As a parent , there have been many times , I have felt I've failed . We feel like that , because we know our children's strengths and their weaknesses . We know what could happen if they make the  wrong  choice , if their weakness is explored deeper . 

Walking out of that theater , I felt reassurance that as long as she believes in Him , she will be fine . Even if she happens unto the wrong path , He will steer her right . I truly believe that . 

Later that evening , as I was reading a message from Charles Stanley , I found the following to be true reminders why we are Believers . The message was designed for storms in our lives , but I believe it serves for every occasion . 

  1. Christ’s gift of salvation. No matter what trial we’re facing, it is microscopic next to the enormity of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. The cross was a steep price to pay, but the Savior willingly took our place in order to offer us forgiveness and eternal life.
  2. Assurance of God’s love. The Lord cares for us unconditionally—that is His very character (1 John 4:16). Unfortunately, the storms of life can cause us to question this, but Romans 8:31–39 unequivocally tells us that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
  3. Answered prayer. We have the awesome privilege of talking to the Father about anything burdening us—and He never grows tired of listening to His children. Our omnipotent, omniscient God is not only able to help us in any situation; He also knows the best possible way to do so.
  4. A personalized plan. The Lord has a will, plan, and purpose for our lives that He will accomplish if we obey Him. No one is exempt from adversity, but we can trust God to bring good from everything He permits to come our way.
Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Putting Away The Mirror

When the Lenten season began , Jennifer Duke Lee did not give up sweets or coffee or meat on Friday . Instead , she covered up all her mirrors and gave up admiring her own image . Soon , her friends , family and bloggers followed suit . 

What a great revolutionary idea ! Our reflection is the cause of many of our setbacks . We are never happy with what we see staring back at us . We can find so many faults with our image that God spent so much time creating . 

I know the image I carry in my own head  . In my mind , I am not overweight , but quite a  svelte figure with lovely hills and valleys of apportioned size . I'm always smiling and happy and I look at least twenty years younger . 

Unfortunately , that's not what the public sees . On most days , I have a frown that naturally appears no matter how great my mood happens  to   be . My figure is that of a stack of tires rather than an hourglass . My   age ? Well , being forty-nine doesn't exactly portray a Spring chicken . 

I don't spend a lot of time looking in the mirror , but I do want others to find me attractive . Standing around and admiring my image may not be on the agenda , but the preparation takes up 
time , too . 

Just think of all the shopping we do just so we can look good. We shop for clothes , cosmetics , shoes and accessories  until we find that perfect thing for us . 

We cut our hair at the salon and get our nails done . We pluck , peel and shave to look feminine and beautiful . Men are no different , either . 

We diet , work out or give up our favorite snacks or meals so we can fit into an outfit . We wear shoes that are way too tight or high , but our legs look great . 

But . . . . 

What if we did what Jennifer Duke Lee has done  and covered up our mirrors ? What if we gave up all that time for looking great to please others or ourselves ? What if we used that time to shift our focus from ourselves  and our pleasures  . . . . 

and let Him in ?

 When the time for Easter came and we dropped the veil from our     mirrors , who would you see staring back ? I know what I want to reflect inside of me . . . fill me to the brim with JESUS .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Music has always been my saving Grace in times of struggle and pain . On this Throwback Thursday , I remember this story with a somber feeling of peace . Back then , many of my entries dealt with music as I was laid up in the hospital or my bed at home in pain . I wore out my CD's to where they skipped and were not playable , but those CD's got me through a very rough patch in my life .

Finding Solace

 The last two days have been very trying. My chemo has always hit me hard on the 2nd or 3rd day the worst . It has entered my joints and legs.Very difficult moving around.I can feel every nerve , every ache, every joint . This weather is not helping either .
  There is a benefit to going thru this the second time.You know what to expect and prepare yourself for it  both mentally and physically . I pull out all the tricks I learned the first time around .Last night was real hard and sleep didn't come easy . I benefited from a therapist 4 yrs ago who taught me breathing exercises , laying down in the dark with music  breathing in and out slowly . This has always worked for me.The music choice for me then and now has always been Christian. I can find no other that can lift my spirit or exclaim my feelings the way Worship music does . I recommend everyone try it but on a quieter level....softly playing.It helps so much with the pain .
  But there is one solace that has helped me tremendously and that's my Women's Group .The Fellowship I get from these women , who range from all ages , is priceless . They lift me up when I'm down .They advise me when I feel like I don't know what to do next . They encourage me  and they hold me accountable . I know for a fact , that last night they all prayed for me . There is nothing that they wouldn't do for me and I for them .
  Tonight , as I made my way to that feet aching and tired as I was, I knew that even for a little while they would make me forget . We would laugh , cry and be serious .....and I could forget my pain even for awhile.Women need other women .We need to be role models for each other. We find solace in each other.
 It was Erma Bombeck that said once when asked for advice by a newlwed young woman to a successful marriage ,"Get yourself lots of girlfriends." Me ? I would add,"and join a women group."

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Life Is Like Coffee

This weekend , I have opted for some quiet time with the people I love . These are one of my favorite times , because during those times the outside world is shut away and only we remain . 

There are many things I love and look forward to :  like my red wine , my murder mysteries and of course , coffee . Once again , grandma Barb came through , so I hope you enjoy this link as much as I am enjoying this weekend . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . ( Double click )
like Coffee" please share it with your family and friends.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Throwback Thursday

There were many days that were just like the story below . . .  dark and brooding . I have grown a lot since then spiritually and in acceptance with my disease . 

Right now , I am in remission once again  and there are times that I actually miss my chemo time . At least , during chemo I knew I would spend a couple of days resting uninterrupted . 

It's surprising what we can handle  . At that time , I thought that was the worst chemo I ever had . Now I know that is not true . There are much worse . 

Unspoken Voices

   Today I have no witty remarks to tell you.Today I am tired.I feel every achy bone in my body and I'm tired.Today the clouds opened up in rain feeling my mood .
   I've read so many of your emails telling me of your stories....your pain. The unspoken voices of all the parents , husbands , wives , daughters , sons , aunts, uncles  , brothers , sisters ,friends , co-workers , in-laws etc,etc.Its so much easier to write it all down , because then noone will see you breakdown and cry.We are to be strong , aren't we? I am guilty of that.When people approach me I panic like that. They might see I don't have it together.
  So many many many tears . So for all of the people battling heart disease , strokes , cancer , dementia , ailing parents , a child diagnosed with Austism  or a marriage that is broken .Do not let anyone diminish your FAITH and your HOPE  because we are miracles of GOD.
  Today , kneel down and scream his name ,"Lord , where are you? Help me , I am hurting ". Pour out your heart and cry .HE is ready with arms wide open to receive you.Let HIM carry you.
  To all my hurting friends I dedicate this to you......its okay to cry.

What Faith Can Do

Everybody falls sometimes
Gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes
And make a new beginning

Anyone can feel the ache
You think it's more than you can take
But you're stronger
Stronger than you know

Don't you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do

It doesn't matter what you've heard
Impossible is not a word
It's just a reason
For someone not to try

Everybody's scared to death
When they decide to take that step
Out on the water
It'll be alright

Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do

Overcome the odds
You don't have a chance
(That's what faith can do)
When the world says you can't
It'll tell you that you can

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do
That's what faith can do

Even if you fall sometimes
You will have the strength to rise

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Simply Financial Peace

Being a single mom , I have struggled with finances  , living paycheck to paycheck for longer than I care to admit . When I began coming to my Church , there was a class offered from Crown Financial at that time , but I was too scared to join and felt the fee was more than I could have afforded . I passed on that opportunity  and have regretted that decision ever since . 

When , almost 7 years later ,  they offered the Financial Peace University class , I grasped with both hands the chance to better my life . I didn't care how much it cost , thinking in terms of an investment rather than the emptying of my purse . 

The first night , my excitement bubble burst with a resounding 
blast . That excitement turned to fear  knowing that now I had to make this work . We all can dream big , but when it becomes a reality , we become scared of failing . We'll talked the talk , now we have to walk the walk .

My second week ,  a tsunami hit my budget with my car breaking down with unexpected repair costs . I could see my mock budget shriveling up and turning to dust as my head hung low coming out of that class . Never have I felt such a failure as I did that week . 

My third week , I went in feeling determined to make it work . I would be a success and never again would I give in to money worries . I have spent too many years riding the roller coaster of highs and lows . I had no problem saving for a rainy day , but the problem was , I needed to save for a Noah's Flood . 

Today , I am sitting on the floor , going over all these papers piled high , making a real-life budget . Not only do I have to take control of my money , but I need to take responsibility of what God entrusted in me . Who knows what week four will bring , I may fail or I may succeed , either way , I'm not giving up . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Life's Principles

During my " energetic " mode this past weekend  , I came across a list of Charles Stanley's Life's Principles To Live By . There are many gifted preachers out there that I follow , but Charles Stanley is one of my favorites . Personally , I think he is a great Bible teacher . So without further delay , allow me to share with you these Life Principles .

1. Our intimacy with God 
2 . Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him
3 . God's Word is an immovable anchor in times of storm 
4 . The awareness of God's presence energizes us for our work 
5 . God does not require us to understand His will , just obey it , even if it seems unreasonable
6 . You reap what you sow, more than you sow and later than you sow 
7 . The dark moments of our life will last only so long as necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us 
8 . Fight all your battles on your knees and win every time
9 . Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees 
10 . If necessary , God will move heaven  and earth to show us His will 
11 . God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey 
12 . Peace with God is the fruit of oneness with God
13 . Listening to God is essential to walking with God
14 . God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him 
15 . Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness

Words to live by , my friends . Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Being Still

Being still . One of the hardest things to do , but it can be very effective in times of struggles . It is something I have been trying to accomplish for years .

All weekend long , I have been flitting from one chore to the next , mentally checking off overdue lists . My body filled to the top with extra energy that I didn't even know I possessed . The success meter rang loud with every accomplished task . 

Yet , my mind has been still . 

I do not want to fill my brain with worry fore I cannot change anything . 

Worry is my biggest enemy . I worry about everything . If I have an appointment early in the morning , I won't sleep a wink in case
 I oversleep . The check engine light comes on and I practically have a heart attack wondering if I'm going to make it to where I'm
 going . 

I have learned to keep my mind still by keeping my body busy 
with activity . When there is a problem , a worry or any kind of emotional hurt in my life , that's when my home is the most spotless place on earth . At least my closets and drawers are in order , if not my life . 

There are times when an argument gets out of hand and you have no idea how this even came about . . . . . sometimes , it's better to become still and not say anything . 

I wish I could learn how to be still right from the start . This way , I can avoid all sorts of emotional highs and lows . We keep reminding each other to leave our troubles with God , but we really don't know how to do that . That's more talk rather than action . 

I wish my life came with the  arrow sign , like the famous
 commercial , I could just follow it to wherever I needed to go without making any detours . On the other hand , it might get a little boring and we might not learn anything from the experiences we encounter . 

What to do , what to do . I guess , for now , being still is the best course .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Story Of My Life Pt.4

It is so much easier to recall one's childhood years than to spend re-telling the adult ones . As adults , we make choices that are for mature audiences only , many times opting for the x-rated version . 

So how do we tell the story of our life  ? The story of the most important years that have led us to where we are now . How do we describe the times that caused the most pain ? The first eighteen years I wrote in three chapters . The rest ? Well , there is enough material here to keep this blog going for years .

Life becomes messy as adults . There are many curves and dips and never ending winding roads . We can only revisit a patch at a time . Only when we are ready .  We live , we make mistakes , we learn and we move one .  

My twenties were ugly and not a place where I want to stay visiting for long  . Four children were born during that time , but only two came along for the rest of my journey . 

My thirties  were spent making all the wrong decisions in my personal life as well as my financial . If I had to choose a time where I could go back and change things : this would be it . On the other hand , if I did , would I be where I am today ? 

I often ponder that question , but never for long . I have always been a person that adapted well to change . Well , at least I have until this next chapter . . . the now chapter . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday

The following story always brings a smile to my face , not because it's particularly funny , but because of the chaos that enslaved me during that time  . 

People totally assume that chemo is chemo and that couldn't be farther from the truth . There are all types of chemotherapy with all kinds of side affects , some strong and some not so strong . 

The infusion I was receiving at that time , was probably as close to what " movies " portrayed cancer to be like . I stayed at home , away from all those germ infested people out in the world only coming out to teach Sunday School every Sunday . How ironic is that ? 

I smile whenever I think of all the nerves that were spent with the insurance people and all those clorox wipes that I went through ! Funny thing is , the children never asked me why I had no hair or eyebrows or eyelashes . They just accepted me wholeheartedly . 

My Life:I Flew Over The Cuckoo Nest

 Its 7am...time to get up.Bathroom break.Break out the clorox wipes.Look in mirror at red face with turkey gobbler.Pill one , pill two , pill three.Hands are numb and tingling . Head hurts and hot flashes are raging.Stomach queasy . Diahhrea in the morning and constipation in the afternoon . Drink 50 gallons of water a day. Burp.Bathroom break.More clorox wipes.
  Wipe down the apartment.Bring out more clorox wipes.Have something to eat.Clorox wipes.Say goodbye to houseplants.Niece Kathy babysit plants for 6 months.Better not kill houseplants Kathy!Bathroom break.Don't forget the wipes.
   Doctor schedules for three weeks: Genetics Doctor,Oncology Doctor,Gyno Doctor,Internist Doctor,labs , Oncology Doctor again ,Infusion. One week break.
   Mail out FMLA papers.Pick up prescriptions at Walgreens.Insurance card has expired.Worked at Avon for 16 years and insurance card never expired....until today.Take 10 minutes to cuss at all the medical forms , work forms , red tape ,Fmla papers , glitches in the system ,old address and phone number still on file  and not entered into system.Long term disability.Short term disability.FORMS.Bleep.Bleep.Bleep.
   Whew !  Take a nap .
 Check messages.... 30 ....all from mother..."Honey , did you rest today"?
  11 pm bed.More clorox wipes.12:15 am. cold sweats . 2 am bathroom break.Clorox wipes. 3:30 am cold sweats . 5am cold sweats and bathroom break . Clorox wipes. 7 am alarm rings. Bathroom.Clorox wipes.Look in mirror at red face with turkey clobber.Pill one , pill two, pill three . Darn ...out of clorox wipes.

Have a Blessed day everyone .

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lenten Ashes-

It's that time of the year where throngs of people rush to Church for their Lenten Ashes , vowing to give up things they like in favor of their spirituality and their faith . All around me , I am asked the same question .

What are you giving up for Lent ?

My reply of " I don't do ashes , I'm not a Catholic " , usually results with the raising of the eyebrows and a look of disbelief on their 
face . In their view I am a heathen , not participating .

Every January , when I'm fasting with my Church for the preparation of the  New Year , no one takes notice nor do they
 care . They look at me weird then , too .

People love rituals and in a way , we judge others by them . Easter and Christmas , we flock to Church with a fervor lacking the rest of the year . Thanksgiving we sit at a table and break bread with people with whom we have no time for 364 days of the year and we complain about them , too .

We are still living in the Old Testament , following and performing rituals that half of us have no idea what they represent . A while back , a fellow co-worker of mine  broke her fast and when I asked her what the fast was for , she couldn't remember . So what is the point if the act means nothing ? If your heart is not it , why do it ?

Easter is approaching and once again , people are missing the real reason we come together and Praise God . They are too busy checking off one ritual after another off their yearly list . When the Easter dresses are put away and the eggs are eaten , will they create a new ritual and continue coming to Church Sunday after Sunday ?

So no , I don't do ashes , but I do give up something . . . I give Him  my heart .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bucket List 2014

I remember making a Bucket List back , back in the early days of this blog . Nowadays , people make one for themselves , as a family unit  and I've even  seen one for the summer . On mine , I've actually wrote down things I wanted to accomplish . 

Well , I want to change what is on it  . So here is my Bucket List 2014 :

1 . I want to learn to keep my mouth shut . Already today , I ticked off like two people . 

2 . A new or newer vehicle . I am tired of old cars and their constant breaking down . I am single and have no knowledge of where to go or what to do . Nor do I know anyone that does . 

3 . Learn to handle money wisely . I don't need to be wealthy , just comfortable where if anything happens , I will be ready . Financial Peace University , here I come  . 

4 . Stay focused on my goals and passions . My attention span has become the size of an ant lately . My mind is wandering off into lala land half the time . 

5 . STOP commenting or clicking like on people's social media pages . Stop ticking people off by minding my own business . Just STOP talking . Period . 

6 . Make a budget . Stay on the budget . Period . 

7 . Make an effort to stay and maintain a healthier lifestyle . I start off really well and then chips come into my life and I fall off . Yeah , chips . 

8 . Learn to love exercise . Oh , this will be a hard one . That's why it's at the bottom where it belongs . 

9 . To remember at all times that I am the daughter of a King most High , especially when I have a deep desire to open my mouth . See number 1 . 

10 . To become super organized where everything has a place of their own and can be found easily . That includes my schedule . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Throwback Thursday

I look forward to Throwback Thursday . I can see why so many elderly love to tell stories of their own lives , only they remember the good times . For me , it's quite the opposite : I want to remember all of it , even the bad , to remind me of where I have been and how far I have come .

This next story depicts my very first day of chemo after  four and half years of remission . I honestly believe that all of us thought I was healed completely because of the length of time that has elapsed . 

As worried as my family were during that time , it seems they have made peace with my cancer . No longer do they panic with worry , but rest assured that treatment has become a regular thing as if I were taking a mere Tylenol . My mom is the only one who will not and cannot accept this cancer .

Once again , I'm shocked and embarrassed at all the grammar mistakes and how poorly it was  written . At least , I have grown in that area . 

We Fall Apart

 Today at chemo , just when it was time to go in , my Emily fell apart completely.Totally broke down....meltdown city. Cried and cried . She couldn't go in.Its almost like reality finally sanked in.She sat in the waiting room.It was , to say the least , a very hard day.
  It occurred to me that this isn't just about me.Even though I may want it to be ME , ME , PAMPER ME , LOOK AT ME I GOT CANCER .....there are other people in this too.I am important to my family.They love me and care about me.To think that they are not experiencing trauma , fear ,disappointment is pretty silly of me.
  Especially my children.My children , who have always seen me in the role of the strong one,dependable, unbreakable .We ,  as parents , spell security to our children.We are the foundation and when that foundation is cracked they are lost.Their security blanket is being taken away.To this day , both of my kids can't see me bald.It just brings it home for them.
 I looked at my phone and it was full.My mom dominated the messages and for once I didn't feel smothered.I just picked up the phone and dialed her number . I am her daughter and she must be devastated.If there is one thing I learned today its that we all are suffering. Not just me.
  As I had my infusion , all I could think about was the song by Josh Wilson ,"Fall Apart".How appropriate for what we are going through as a family. For those of you who have never heard it , I want to share it with you .The lyrics are very powerful.


Why in the world did I think I could
Only get to know You when my life was good?
When everything just falls in place
The easiest thing is to give You praise
Now it all seems upside down

'Cause my whole world is caving in
But I feel You now more than I did then
How can I come to the end of me
And somehow still have all I need?
God, I want to know You more
Maybe this is how it starts
I find You when I fall apart

Blessed are the ones who understand
We got nothing to bring but empty hands
Nothing to hide and nothing to prove
Our heartbreak brings us back to You
And it all seems upside down

I don't know how long this will last
I'm praying for the pain to pass
But maybe this is the best thing
That has ever happened to me

Never Say Never

As a young woman , I have made numerous personal declarations of wisdom concerning my own life . They usually have begun with the phrase : I never . . . . . 

There have been other bold statements made from me  that have began the same way and have had the same conclusion . I never usually means you will be put to that test  you claim never to do 

Back in 2007 , when I was well under 100 lbs. , I proclaimed to never complain of gaining weight again . We know how that ended as I sit here overweight and complaining . 

In my younger days , I frequently made promises of never living my life with regrets . Now I question all these wise decisions I have made , some with regret . 

Emily is constantly reminding me about that word never and how I need to stop saying it since I  end up having to take it back . So why do we say it ? 

We use it to express our convictions toward any particular thing . The problem with that is we change periodically adjusting ourselves to the seasons of our lives . 

I can remember a time when I used every kind of makeup and had long painted red nails . Now all I need is lip gloss and mascara and I'm ready to go . 

There was a time when I worked twelve hour days , so consumed with making more and more money . It was never enough . Now I can barely make it through the eight hours . 

At one time , I thought I would live well into my nineties as have all of my female ancestors . Now , I will be lucky if I live to see fifty .

Things change , my friends , and so does our outlook on life . Things that I thought I would never put up with , are not important any longer . My priorities are shifted dramatically and whenever my lips utter that phrase . . . . well , I stop in mid sentence and rephrase it . You never know when those words can come back to be thrown back at you , haunting your mind with guilt and regret . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Fill Me Up

God fills us up so we can pour out .
Holley Gerth

Do I encourage other women ? 

I've asked myself this question numerous times this past weekend . I write about encouragement  : I speak about encouragement , but do I encourage ? 

Sometimes , we just don't see ourselves . A look in the mirror is required . So from time to time , I check myself . 

Do I encourage other women ?

Last night , I attended my first class of Financial Peace University  and as usual , the minute we broke into groups , I became paralyzed with fear . I didn't want to expose my innermost feelings and share with people I really do not know . I did not want them to know anything personal about me . 

In my own head I held a great conversation , I answered and participated . Great stuff ! Why couldn't I open up and voice it ? Why was I so afraid to let someone in ? All because of the past . 

I honestly believe , our past tries to hinder our soul , so we do not get filled up and pass it on to someone else who may need  it . We envelope our hearts within a protective layering of skin .  Only slowly do we peel away the layers , showing bits and pieces at a time . Have you ever tried to peel an onion without making
 a mess ? 

So I ask again , do I encourage people ? On paper , yes . Face to face , where it matters , I run . So there we have it and what do I do with that proclamation ? You try to change yourself .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Not Feeling It

I didn't sleep very comfortably last night , waking in the early morning hours with a stiffness felt throughout my body .  I felt cold and shivering , burrowing  deeper under the covers . I didn't want to get up . 

Having been wrecked with worry all week , the last thing I wanted to do is leave the safe haven of my home and face the world . No , not the world , but the the people in the world . 

People can ruin everything . just look at the people of Moses . . . never satisfied . Not to mention  , I just wasn't in the mood . 

But . . .  it's Sunday . No matter how I feel or how I look , I go to Church . With Baptism comes spiritual responsibility to myself , my family and to God . 

I got up , threw something on and went to Church  . Feeling " not in it " is when I need Him more than ever . 

There is a God 
       who loves me
            He wraps me
                in His arms .

Where else can I go for comfort ? Who else will wipe away my tears ? Who will take my hand and walk with me ? 

All because He loves me .

My worries are still there , they haven't mysteriously evaporated into thin air , because I went to church . So why Go ? Pure emotional and spiritual comfort . Only He can provide that . 

Be still and know I am God . 

So I'm still , because I know He is my God . 

Have a Blessed day everyone .