Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bucket List 2014

I remember making a Bucket List back , back in the early days of this blog . Nowadays , people make one for themselves , as a family unit  and I've even  seen one for the summer . On mine , I've actually wrote down things I wanted to accomplish . 

Well , I want to change what is on it  . So here is my Bucket List 2014 :

1 . I want to learn to keep my mouth shut . Already today , I ticked off like two people . 

2 . A new or newer vehicle . I am tired of old cars and their constant breaking down . I am single and have no knowledge of where to go or what to do . Nor do I know anyone that does . 

3 . Learn to handle money wisely . I don't need to be wealthy , just comfortable where if anything happens , I will be ready . Financial Peace University , here I come  . 

4 . Stay focused on my goals and passions . My attention span has become the size of an ant lately . My mind is wandering off into lala land half the time . 

5 . STOP commenting or clicking like on people's social media pages . Stop ticking people off by minding my own business . Just STOP talking . Period . 

6 . Make a budget . Stay on the budget . Period . 

7 . Make an effort to stay and maintain a healthier lifestyle . I start off really well and then chips come into my life and I fall off . Yeah , chips . 

8 . Learn to love exercise . Oh , this will be a hard one . That's why it's at the bottom where it belongs . 

9 . To remember at all times that I am the daughter of a King most High , especially when I have a deep desire to open my mouth . See number 1 . 

10 . To become super organized where everything has a place of their own and can be found easily . That includes my schedule . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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