Saturday, March 29, 2014

Putting Away The Mirror

When the Lenten season began , Jennifer Duke Lee did not give up sweets or coffee or meat on Friday . Instead , she covered up all her mirrors and gave up admiring her own image . Soon , her friends , family and bloggers followed suit . 

What a great revolutionary idea ! Our reflection is the cause of many of our setbacks . We are never happy with what we see staring back at us . We can find so many faults with our image that God spent so much time creating . 

I know the image I carry in my own head  . In my mind , I am not overweight , but quite a  svelte figure with lovely hills and valleys of apportioned size . I'm always smiling and happy and I look at least twenty years younger . 

Unfortunately , that's not what the public sees . On most days , I have a frown that naturally appears no matter how great my mood happens  to   be . My figure is that of a stack of tires rather than an hourglass . My   age ? Well , being forty-nine doesn't exactly portray a Spring chicken . 

I don't spend a lot of time looking in the mirror , but I do want others to find me attractive . Standing around and admiring my image may not be on the agenda , but the preparation takes up 
time , too . 

Just think of all the shopping we do just so we can look good. We shop for clothes , cosmetics , shoes and accessories  until we find that perfect thing for us . 

We cut our hair at the salon and get our nails done . We pluck , peel and shave to look feminine and beautiful . Men are no different , either . 

We diet , work out or give up our favorite snacks or meals so we can fit into an outfit . We wear shoes that are way too tight or high , but our legs look great . 

But . . . . 

What if we did what Jennifer Duke Lee has done  and covered up our mirrors ? What if we gave up all that time for looking great to please others or ourselves ? What if we used that time to shift our focus from ourselves  and our pleasures  . . . . 

and let Him in ?

 When the time for Easter came and we dropped the veil from our     mirrors , who would you see staring back ? I know what I want to reflect inside of me . . . fill me to the brim with JESUS .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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