Monday, March 31, 2014

A Special Moment

This past weekend , Emily and I went to the movies to see " God's Not Dead " . Throughout the movie , Emily held my hand and would not  let  go . I cannot express to you the emotions that ran through me . I haven't felt a bond like that since I held her for the first time twenty-five  years  ago . 

That may seem strange to some of you , but this bond wasn't a bond of a mother and Daughter . We have had many special moments together during her growth from baby to adulthood . This was different . This felt different .

We have been to the movies a hundred times over , but we have never seen a Christian one together . We watched it as Christians and we understood the message portrayed as Christians . This bond between us was the love of Jesus . 

As a parent , there have been many times , I have felt I've failed . We feel like that , because we know our children's strengths and their weaknesses . We know what could happen if they make the  wrong  choice , if their weakness is explored deeper . 

Walking out of that theater , I felt reassurance that as long as she believes in Him , she will be fine . Even if she happens unto the wrong path , He will steer her right . I truly believe that . 

Later that evening , as I was reading a message from Charles Stanley , I found the following to be true reminders why we are Believers . The message was designed for storms in our lives , but I believe it serves for every occasion . 

  1. Christ’s gift of salvation. No matter what trial we’re facing, it is microscopic next to the enormity of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. The cross was a steep price to pay, but the Savior willingly took our place in order to offer us forgiveness and eternal life.
  2. Assurance of God’s love. The Lord cares for us unconditionally—that is His very character (1 John 4:16). Unfortunately, the storms of life can cause us to question this, but Romans 8:31–39 unequivocally tells us that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
  3. Answered prayer. We have the awesome privilege of talking to the Father about anything burdening us—and He never grows tired of listening to His children. Our omnipotent, omniscient God is not only able to help us in any situation; He also knows the best possible way to do so.
  4. A personalized plan. The Lord has a will, plan, and purpose for our lives that He will accomplish if we obey Him. No one is exempt from adversity, but we can trust God to bring good from everything He permits to come our way.
Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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