Friday, January 17, 2014

Worship As A Lifestyle

Worship is God's invitation to us . Come as you are . 

I love worship time . To me , it's more than just singing away the time until the service message begins . It is a way to reconnect with God through praise  and an opportunity to share with Him a private conversation of your thoughts and feelings .

I could never understand how people can be late for Church
 service . They miss out on the most important part of the whole experience . It really can be such an intimate time where one can forget the existence of everyone else in the room . 

Worship and Praise can happen anywhere . It doesn't have to be in Church . I personally love to blast my radio or CD on my way to work . What a tremendous stress release to set the tone for the work night . It prepares and clears my mind so I can be in tiptop shape to handle any situation thrown my way .

The place where we Worship is not important . One can sit in a closet , a car or the early morning hours before the day begins . It's not the time or place that makes it special , it's the words that are used that make the experience personal . 

So this coming Sunday , walk into Church with the attitude and promise of a private conversation with your loving Father . Expect and demand an audience and allow yourself to feel His Presence . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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