Wednesday, January 8, 2014

On A Sweeter Note

Going through some old files on my computer , I came across some pictures of cakes that Emily has made this past year . There were quite many different models that she worked on so hard . 

Cake decorating has never been her strong suit in Culinary School and she struggled greatly . It was during that time I was diagnosed with cancer and in the Hospital . She basically went through her struggle alone as all the focus was on me . 

She never finished nor received her degree as a Pastry Chef , but she never stopped trying to improve herself . During this past year she'd practice all on her own . Here are some of her creations . 

Life is a constant struggle . Do we surrender when faced with trials or difficulties ? Do we stop living and throw our hands in the air with defeat ? No , we make cake !

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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