Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Who Is This ?

Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!Mark 4:41
Since my journey with cancer has begun , I have been to places deep inside the crevices of my soul . One would imagine there was nowhere left to explore  , but if we believe in this vast universe created by God , we understand the knowledge that is there waiting for us to absorb . He is bigger than anything we could ever understand or know . 
Once we accept this as truth , we know our life is a never ending pool of wisdom and our bodies vessels of magnesium drawn to it . I want to learn . I have a thirst that cannot be quenched easily . Feed me with all there is to know so I can be better than ever before . 
During my first experience at a Christian concert ( Chris Tomlin , of course ) he had a speaker whose name I can't remember , but it was then that this thirst began . 
He showed pictures of the Galaxy , the beauty was beyond our  expectations . " This is God " , he said . Then he pointed to a star so tiny it looked like the point of a pencil . " This is us . That is the distinction between us and God . He is greater than we can ever imagine  ", he said . 

Since then , I view Our Creator in this way . He is greater than anything we can imagine and I have a desire to know Him better . I long for a connection with Him resembling that of a soul mate . All of my life , I've searched for that someone with whom I can be totally myself and who will accept me as I am for I come before Him naked . 
Here I am , broken in pieces , waiting for the embrace of my beloved and He does not fail me . His love surrounds me and lifts me up to soar through difficulties .

Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!Mark 4:41

He is my Kinsman Redeemer , my Boaz ! His Grace and Love heals and comforts me . Teach me , O Lord , teach me .
Have a Blessed  day everyone .

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