Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Circus Mask

I've always been a lone wolf . Although , I have many friends , I don't expose the intimate side of myself  . Very few of my friends ever really know me . What goes on the inside , stays on the inside , opting to show the clown instead . 

We all hide behind our masks , whatever those masks may be . Mine always has been the sarcastic , poking- fun -at -myself attitude mask that has represented a smiley face on the outside . Nothing deep there . . . or one would think . 

It is much easier and safer to keep people at a distance than to share oneself and allow them to hurt you . People have been hurting each other since Adam and Eve , why would it be different now ?

The funny thing is , we long for the company of others . We can be hurt , we can be disappointed , but we can also be loved  by those same people . The pull to belong is greater then the pull to be 
alone . For that reason , I feel we put up with a lot of things that may not be right for us . We fear of being alone . 

" Take care of your thoughts when you are alone and take care of your words when you are with people ."
                                                             Inspirational Thoughts .

Being discerning is a lot harder than it seems . The task of finding great people who love you usually ends in disappointment , but I find , the very few who make it are really worth all that effort . I rather have one close , dear friend than a room full of people who only care about making a name for themselves . For some , the Glory is the aim . 

Whenever the world and the people fail me , my first instinct is to retreat back into my shell with my mask . I have to remind myself that we all have struggles , only some of us work harder to overcome them . So now I may retreat , but usually into the arms of God who offers me solitude to regain my strength and faith in humanity . 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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