Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Taking Hold Of Faith

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 
(1 Timothy 6:12)

This past Sunday , I preached to the children the story of Daniel and the Lions Den . That story deals with faith and Daniel had an abundance of faith . As I prepared for the lesson , I was reminded of my own faith and why I come to Church . 

When I made the decision to get baptized , I embraced the commitment wholeheartedly . I had a deep desire to live my life a certain way . . . . God's way . 

Since then , I have tried my best to live up to that faith 
commitment .  I fallen down many times , but always picked myself up . Each time , I have looked in the mirror and tried to see  the why behind that fall . To me , before I can make all the necessary changes , I need to see what brought about that need for change . 

I never want to fall completely away . I have seen too many fellow Christians who have lost their way and it's so easy to do . Things don't go the way we may want them to  and we automatically turn negative . At least , I do . 

I can get carried away with my private thoughts . Thoughts are powerful . They can sway you one way or another . 

So I am sitting here , my negative thoughts completely overtaking my mind and making decisions regarding my faith that are not sound . It's that easy to be swayed . 

Whenever that happens and it does happen , there is the Holy Spirit that pulls me out of that pit of negative despair . I believe that happens , because many years ago , I made a decision to be Baptized and the Holy Spirit resides in me for that very reason . He is there as my protector .

We all have experiences such as these paths that diverge between keeping our feet on solid Christian ground and falling away to
 satan . We need to make a commitment to take hold of our faith , a covenant of marriage in a way that no one can break . None of us are exempt from challenges in our life . Daniel spent his entire life defending his faith and so should we .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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