Thursday, January 30, 2014

God Is Always There

It's been a very trying day . As I have posted on my Facebook page , my daughter-in-law's nephew was having open heart surgery today . He is no more than three days old and weighing in at 5 lbs . As I have stared at his picture I couldn't help , but be amazed at the strong features portrayed on his face . He is truly a beautiful handiwork from God . I have never seen a child that I didn't consider beautiful .

 My heart goes out to his grandparents , my Aubrey and especially for his mother . This is her first child and my heart aches for her pain , but I know that God is there with them .

God Is Always There 
By: Clay Harrison

God meets us on the mountaintop
and in the valleys too
he's there when you call his name
watching over you
he hangs his rainbow in the sky
and lights the stars at night
he's there in your darkest hour
and in the morning light
he's there when the snowflakes fall
when tulips bloom in spring
he taught the eagle how to fly
the bluebird how to sing
he's there in every sunrise
that decorates the dawn
and he sprinkles the dewdrops
you find upon your lawn
God meets us on the mountaintop
and in the valleys too
he's there when you call his name
watching over you

Have a Blessed day everyone and please pray for little Dustin .

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Lifestyle Of Obedience

We punish our children when they don't listen or follow orders and yet , we as adults , struggle with obedience . I believe that disobedience keeps us from going to the next level in our spirituality . The Bible is all about obedience and people failing miserably .

We just don't want to be told what to do . Why is that ? Why do we have a problem with authority ? Maybe , because we have spent our childhood having to listen that when we become adults , we want to live by our rules . 

No on will ever tell us what to do again . Rebellion . 

Rebellion can run rapid in our life . I feel rebellious . I feel restless . 

There are only five days left until I start my new shift and position . In  my mind , I've already have left and reside there . The job I am doing now doesn't matter  and I'm not even paying attention to what I need to do . I am done .

It's not easy for me to admit it . Here I am writing about obedience  and I have no desire to follow the orders of my current manager . I guess , we can make adjustments  and accept our situations when we find that there is no escape from it . This is the way it is . The situation changes drastically when we see a light at the end of the tunnel and realize there is a choice . 

Obedience can be easy when we have no other option available .  Provide  people with a choice  and see what happens . I bet they'll run in the direction of going their own way . 

I know I am wrong in my behavior and the same applies to others who follow their own path .We know , but it is easier to make excuses justifying our actions . 

Obedience takes courage , strength , perseverance , honesty and patience . Our desire to follow Christ  and take on what all of that really means will make us stronger and courageous followers .

In five days , my current position ends , but until that happens , I still have to finish strong . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Simply Micro Habit

Everyday , my e-mail account receives a bombardment of subscriptions to various newsletters , articles  and such . I'm always striving to improve my knowledge and what better way than keeping my mind open to what is out there . 

As I have made a commitment to living a healthy , spiritual and peaceful life , I'm constantly on the lookout for anything to enhance these qualities . Now , I haven't really tried any of these things and any feedback from all of you would be appreciated , but it is good to try new things for the betterment of our well being . Please let me know if any of this actually works . 

1. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon every morning to help with digestion and cleansing . 
2. Here is my video on how to make Homemade Protein Bars ==>
3 . The following is a daily ritual of a nutritionist :
The first thing I do is drink 1/2 liter water, because your body is dehydrated during the night and needs to be replenished. Secondly I go to the bathroom to get me fresh, brush my teeth, wash my face etc. I put on my audiobooks to upload my mind and get inspired while I am making my daily juices. Every morning I start my day with a JUICE , preferably a greens juice or a berry juice, but that's personal taste. The juice really activates my body and I cannot image starting my day without these super nutrients! I feel SO much more ENERGY and MENT . To follow this ritualI you want to make a good green juice to start your day, you need a base of cucumber, celery or lettuce.  Then you can add some dark leafy greens, if you want some zing add ginger and always add a lemon or lime.  If you want to sweeten it up, add some fruit. If you want extra electrolytes, add some coconut water..

 I personally like to use a washcloth over my face dipped in very hot water . It really rejuvenates , a quick pick me up .

If anyone tries any of these three things , please let me know how it works or doesn't work for you . 

Have a Blessed day everyone .

Monday, January 27, 2014

Inspirational Thoughts

The surest way to keep from feeling left out is to let people in.

Easier said then done , especially if one has been hurt by them . Learning to trust and believe in people again is 
hard . Our first instinct , is a desire to do the opposite . We want to withdraw into our private shells and lick our wounds in despair . Pity party anyone ? 

I'm always amazed at the motivational speakers who come up with phrases such as the one above . They're never 
sad , or depressed ? Everything is always coming up roses in their life ? They can bounce back up to their feet instantly when things go wrong ? 

I just can't do that . I need to digest what happened and sort  out my feelings  before I can let go and move on . I need to feel . I need to allow the hurt to escape me through my
tears . 

Believe me , I am the first person to admit that I don't care for the wallowing type , but . . . . .  I do take a day or two in solitude to clear my mind and empty my heart . 

I wish life was as easy as step 1 ,2, and 3 , but we all know it isn't  . Majority of people need time to heal  and adjust to the changes that jump in front of them suddenly . How we handle difficulties in our life usually comes with experience . We learn as we go . 

On the other hand . . . . .. 

Inspirational thoughts offer hope to a dying heart . As much as they annoy us at first . . ..  I mean , who wants to hear all that goodie goodie stuff when our hearts are broken . When we are done crying out like a weeping willow , they offer a beautiful rainbow and we grasp it . 

We pick ourselves up off the floor and apply step 1 , 2 , and 3 into our daily routine . We let people in again , because we are full of hope . We  start believing in these words , because we need to . 

For some of us , that pick me up takes longer than what is healthy for our well being . We despair more than its worth and years later , we regret spending so much time on that person or situation . 

The surest way to keep from feeling left out is to let people in.

We start believing that phrase , because maybe this time we will come out on top and no one will hurt our heart again . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Friday, January 24, 2014

God's Boxes

For a short work week , it's been simply exhausting and packed with errands . I've spent majority of the time either picking up supplies or delivery yarn for my crocheting ministry . The result ? Going to bed late and getting up even later , doesn't leave much time for anything else . Read on , my friends for a quick reminder of the One who loves us regardless of who we are .

God's Boxes
I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day,
The black was as light as before.
With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed the hole to God, and mused,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me.."
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."
We should consider all of our friends a blessing.
Send this to a friend today just to let them know you
are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life.
A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end.
It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends.
But the treasure inside for you to see,
Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baby , It's Cold Out There

Baby , It's cold out there !

It's been many years since I felt such bone - chilling weather . Delivering yarn to one of my ladies this morning after work , brought on a series of shudders rippling through my body . I couldn't wait for her to open her door and she took a very long
 time . 

I can remember the winters of my younger years . The snow so deep , the sidewalks took on tunnel form  and children building fortes . There was so much ice that one could walk on snow mounds without a dent taking shape . Winters were long and hard with tons of snowfall and ice . 

We haven't had winters like that in recent years . They have been more rain and tepid weather with an occasional freeze and a few days of blizzard temperatures . They have been mild to say the
 least . 

I think that's why we find this one so hard to get through . We were not prepared , thinking it would be like before . I do know that I will appreciate Spring and the warmth from the sun's rays upon my 
face . I miss the sun .

Winter is dreary with shorten days and longer nights , one feels as if in hibernation . Who wants to go to work or do anything , but lounge around watching television . I know I'm certainly feeling lazy .

Yes , I yearn for Spring , don't you ? 

Have a Blessed day everyone .

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Role Of A Lifetime

I never thought about being a mother . While my girlfriends were dreaming of getting married and having children , all I thought of was having a career . I became an Aunt at the age of sixteen and the girls were enough for me . 

I had huge plans for myself . I wanted a beautiful  and large apartment of my own . I wanted a job in the career world where I could wear suits and move up the corporate ladder . These were the dreams I had in High School , not of changing diapers . 

When motherhood arrived , I told myself he would be my only 
one . Little did I know , that his birth brought the role of my life and within five more years , another three were born . Ironically , for someone who never planned on having children , I was very 
fertile . 

I discovered to my surprise that I loved being a mom . In a way , my children and I both explored this world for the very first time together . Everything seemed new and exciting , even though I've seen it all before . Life seemed different , somehow better . 

I didn't realize then , but I was sowing seeds of " bonding " with all of my children . To me , it seemed I was just having fun with them . When my two sons  died , that relationship , that role that was bestowed on me , took on a much deeper meaning . I became the protector of my two remaining and I vowed to be the best mom ever . Nothing would happen to these two . 

As the children grew , so did the problems . Being a mom was difficult , especially since I was alone . That period in my life , I felt like everything I did was wrong . I was very unsure of my parenting skills . That's when I understood the importance of having both parents . 

Now , they are grown and once again , my role has changed . No longer am I the decision - maker , but more of a confidante . I can only hope and pray they do the right thing . Sometimes , I wonder if I did enough as a mom during their youth . Did I prepare them ? Or make it worse ? 

When we begin as parents , I wonder  if we realize , we are playing the role of a lifetime . Nothing even compares to the seriousness of this " job " . Each child is as different as the snowflakes that drop from heaven . There is no textbook that can prepare you for them . I have always been in awe of parents that claim they know the best way to raise children , because to this day , I'm not exactly sure I made all the right choices . 

When our children end up on the wrong path , we blame 
ourselves . We should have done this or that , keeps echoing in our heads . When they reach a certain level of achievement , we cross our fingers  and hope it continues . 

The truth is , good parents can have bad children and bad parents can have good children . To this day , I have no idea how I made it through raising them . Thank goodness , I had God in my life to listen to me during those years , for being my partner in this role of a lifetime . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Simply Healthy Living

                                               Our fruit bowl on the kitchen table .

A year ago , I started a series called " Simply " , based on my desire to live out my life as close to healthy , stress free and spiritual as I could . For Emily and myself , living simply has become a way of life . 

Walking through the grocery store the other day , we noticed how much our life has changed regarding food alone . Majority of our shopping is done in a fruit / vegetable market and when we have to venture out elsewhere , we barely use all the aisles . 

Emily has taken this on with much gusto , embracing all things homemade versus preservatives in canned goods . As long as we have the basics ( flour , eggs , milk , sour cream ) we can make anything ourselves from scratch . 

We do occasionally have unhealthy , fatty meals or snacks like everyone else . After all , we are human . The important fact here is to remember that it is just a snack or break from this lifestyle and not a permanent deal . 

The funny thing is that we have developed a reputation for healthy living . Our friends and family expect it from us and often playfully joke that a binge to us means drinking soybean milk . 

I do wish that all this healthy living would reflect in my 
appearance . I know that my insides are in great shape , but the outside still needs work . When it comes to my cancer , I know I look healthy and strong . Cancer is not written on my forehead  and for most people , they're not even aware I have it . 

We have come a long way with our health . I may have started
 late , but I do take comfort knowing Emily has begun her life being healthy while half my age . I'm so glad we are on this journey together . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Finding My Purpose

We spend majority of our life searching for our purpose , a reason why we are here . Some of us find it right away  and others take a lifetime . 

I , myself , have never given it much thought in the past . I met a man , set up house and raised a family figuring this was my calling . I wasn't happy , but I have made a choice and now had to deal with it . 

During that time  , I had four children , three boys and a 
girl . Two of those boys died within three years of each other , one in crib death and the other spinal bifida . " We all have a cross to bear in life , this is your cross " , my grandmother said to  me . 

Not too long after that , my family broke up and I took my two children and left . Becoming a single mom wasn't something that I planned on all those years ago when I chose the wrong man . How old was I then ? Not even thirty .

In 2007 , I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and I barely made it through . Suddenly , my life took on a purpose . It took a tragedy , a chronic illness to bring home  the absolute need to take stock of my life . 

What am I doing to better my life , my children's life or anyone else's ? 

Where is the purpose of living ? 

What am I fighting for ? 

What do I want to leave behind ?

When you  are faced with death , you look back at your life and notice all the things you need to change . You retrace the steps you have taken and make sure you don't go there again . 

These past seven years , God has been preparing me for this very step in my life . I believe my Crocheting Ministry is my purpose . It all began with my starting to crochet again after thirty years . Why now ? That is a very long time  and then to pick it up again as if it was nothing . I wasn't rusty , not knowing the stitches . I crocheted as if I never stopped . 

Then a challenge was thrown my way making all those slippers for U.I.C. Children's Cancer Ward . It took me a year to make those 665 pairs , but I did it . Now the Crocheting Club . 

This is what I am meant to do . This is my purpose , I can feel it . It took me well into my forties ( 49 ) to figure it all out , but there's no stopping me now . The best really is yet to come .

What is your purpose ?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Worship As A Lifestyle

Worship is God's invitation to us . Come as you are . 

I love worship time . To me , it's more than just singing away the time until the service message begins . It is a way to reconnect with God through praise  and an opportunity to share with Him a private conversation of your thoughts and feelings .

I could never understand how people can be late for Church
 service . They miss out on the most important part of the whole experience . It really can be such an intimate time where one can forget the existence of everyone else in the room . 

Worship and Praise can happen anywhere . It doesn't have to be in Church . I personally love to blast my radio or CD on my way to work . What a tremendous stress release to set the tone for the work night . It prepares and clears my mind so I can be in tiptop shape to handle any situation thrown my way .

The place where we Worship is not important . One can sit in a closet , a car or the early morning hours before the day begins . It's not the time or place that makes it special , it's the words that are used that make the experience personal . 

So this coming Sunday , walk into Church with the attitude and promise of a private conversation with your loving Father . Expect and demand an audience and allow yourself to feel His Presence . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Simply Java

When I was growing up , I watched my mom gulp down pots of coffee to keep her going from one job to the next . It was the 5-hour energy drink all  rolled up into a small cup . It performed magic ! It was only natural that I follow suit .

I loved coffee ! At that time , a cigarette and a cup set the tone for a perfect moment of relaxation . Most days , it served as breakfast and lunch , doubling as a great substitute for a diet . A travel mug was permanently attached to my hand .

It was about two years before my cancer that I quit smoking and suddenly coffee didn't taste the same . I went through a period of unbelievable loss , anxiously researching different brands to achieve that similar taste I so missed  to no avail . Coffee  wasn't the same anymore . 

When cancer struck , all my taste buds went out the window . Life became a whirlwind of change taking me completely unprepared for what was coming . From that point on , my beloved coffee has taken a back seat , never satisfying my needs quite the same way again . 

Do you know what I miss the most ? I miss the rich savory taste of a morning cup of coffee , sipped on my porch , after everyone was gone for the day . It was a moment of solitude with no interruptions and the coffee was piping hot . I can't even remember the last time I had a hot cup . By the time I get to it , it turns cold . 

Nowadays , I lug around a huge jug of ice water , but I still have a cup of coffee at home . It doesn't have the same effect on me as before nor does it taste as delicious , but I find I still have a need for it . I've tried in the past to eliminate the caffeine entirely from my diet , but it has proved too much . My thyroid and the cancer treatments leave me quite exhausted and I need that perk to keep me going . 

When I compare the amount of intake now to what it was in the past , I know that eventually coffee will leave my daily routine . At one time , I thought I could never quit smoking and now I wonder why I ever smoked . I believe it will be the same with my java . 

Our bodies change , and so do our needs . We adapt and somehow we survive our addictions . Now water has replaced that coffee and when I don't have enough of it , my body tells me almost immediately . Still , memories are stronger . . . . :)

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 2014 Update

Life has  certainly been good these past few weeks . It seems my cancer is taking a nap , hopefully a very long one . I shall be going to my new shift during the first week of February . My sabbatical from Sunday School begins by the end of this month offering some rest . Plus , it's a new year . 

Yes , it's been a great start and things are looking up around here . There is something to a new beginning , stirring up the blood flow like a fountain of youth . I believe , another name for it is HOPE .

Life certainly is a valley of mountains that slope upwards and downwards . For every low , there will be a high sooner or later . I am almost positive that my cancer will return , but until then I plan on celebrating every high peak I can get . 

What are my hopes for this year ? I want to live my life as peacefully as I can , enjoying every minute and learning all that I can when things aren't as brightly lit . There will be road trips and gatherings , but there will be tears , too . 

Want to come for the ride ?

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Taking Hold Of Faith

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 
(1 Timothy 6:12)

This past Sunday , I preached to the children the story of Daniel and the Lions Den . That story deals with faith and Daniel had an abundance of faith . As I prepared for the lesson , I was reminded of my own faith and why I come to Church . 

When I made the decision to get baptized , I embraced the commitment wholeheartedly . I had a deep desire to live my life a certain way . . . . God's way . 

Since then , I have tried my best to live up to that faith 
commitment .  I fallen down many times , but always picked myself up . Each time , I have looked in the mirror and tried to see  the why behind that fall . To me , before I can make all the necessary changes , I need to see what brought about that need for change . 

I never want to fall completely away . I have seen too many fellow Christians who have lost their way and it's so easy to do . Things don't go the way we may want them to  and we automatically turn negative . At least , I do . 

I can get carried away with my private thoughts . Thoughts are powerful . They can sway you one way or another . 

So I am sitting here , my negative thoughts completely overtaking my mind and making decisions regarding my faith that are not sound . It's that easy to be swayed . 

Whenever that happens and it does happen , there is the Holy Spirit that pulls me out of that pit of negative despair . I believe that happens , because many years ago , I made a decision to be Baptized and the Holy Spirit resides in me for that very reason . He is there as my protector .

We all have experiences such as these paths that diverge between keeping our feet on solid Christian ground and falling away to
 satan . We need to make a commitment to take hold of our faith , a covenant of marriage in a way that no one can break . None of us are exempt from challenges in our life . Daniel spent his entire life defending his faith and so should we .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Shift

Sometimes we just need to move on no matter how difficult the change or that adjustment may be . Life goes on as we outgrow things , people and situations in our life . It can be painful , hurting us to our core , but change is necessary for us to grow spiritually .

We say we want a new beginning , but we don't want all the work that comes with it . It's just too much and really , we are not ready for it . Saying it and doing it are two separate things . 

I can see a pattern taking hold in my life for a need to better my relationships with God and with others . I want to take it to another level because I feel ready for it . It is time to let go of the old and get on with something new . 

But like with all things , change takes time and results take even longer . The waiting is always the hard part . 

I have been waiting patiently at work for this shift change to happen . For the last two months I have watched my fellow co-workers move on to their perspective shifts with a long heart . I wish it was me . 

Not only does the change affect my work , but also my volunteering and my personal life . I feel like I'm stuck in the mud and I can't move until someone comes to pull me out . Let the change begin so I can move on . 

I guess the anticipation of what is to come is just too strong and my heart yearns for it . It's like seeing a rainbow  and rushing towards
 it . plunging into its ray of colors , emerging bright and new .

Yes , waiting is hard . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bring It To The King

In my early years as a Christian , I couldn't wait for Sunday to come , especially after a trying week . I wanted to bring it to the King  and leave it with Him . 

I haven't felt like that in a long time . What happened for it to go missing ? Why have I allowed it to go on for so long ?

Conviction. The Holy Spirit will reveal the areas in which we've sinned and convict us of wrongdoing. Through Scripture, the Spirit shows us God's standard and what needs to change. Repentance begins with understanding where we have gone astray.( Charles Stanley )

It can happen so easily , filling your life with so many other things and placing your relationship with God in between the cracks . 

Contrition. The next step--grieving over our iniquity--is followed by confession to the Lord. Genuine sorrow arises from the knowledge that we've sinned against Him. In contrast, human unhappiness often comes from being caught misbehaving. Other times we are miserable because of where our choices led us, or feel shame that people know about our sin. True contrition is followed by humble confession. ( Charles Stanley )

I chose to live a certain lifestyle with God leading me . Somehow , I fell off the path and the negative immediately  took hold of me . Now is the time to rectify  the wrong done by me to  my spiritual growth . It's time to get back to the basics of living my life according to Christ . 

Commitment to act.  Real repentance is complete when we wholeheartedly pledge to turn from our old behavior and move toward righteous ways. God knows we won't live perfectly, but He looks for a surrendered heart that diligently seeks to obey Him. ( Charles Stanley )

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Circus Mask

I've always been a lone wolf . Although , I have many friends , I don't expose the intimate side of myself  . Very few of my friends ever really know me . What goes on the inside , stays on the inside , opting to show the clown instead . 

We all hide behind our masks , whatever those masks may be . Mine always has been the sarcastic , poking- fun -at -myself attitude mask that has represented a smiley face on the outside . Nothing deep there . . . or one would think . 

It is much easier and safer to keep people at a distance than to share oneself and allow them to hurt you . People have been hurting each other since Adam and Eve , why would it be different now ?

The funny thing is , we long for the company of others . We can be hurt , we can be disappointed , but we can also be loved  by those same people . The pull to belong is greater then the pull to be 
alone . For that reason , I feel we put up with a lot of things that may not be right for us . We fear of being alone . 

" Take care of your thoughts when you are alone and take care of your words when you are with people ."
                                                             Inspirational Thoughts .

Being discerning is a lot harder than it seems . The task of finding great people who love you usually ends in disappointment , but I find , the very few who make it are really worth all that effort . I rather have one close , dear friend than a room full of people who only care about making a name for themselves . For some , the Glory is the aim . 

Whenever the world and the people fail me , my first instinct is to retreat back into my shell with my mask . I have to remind myself that we all have struggles , only some of us work harder to overcome them . So now I may retreat , but usually into the arms of God who offers me solitude to regain my strength and faith in humanity . 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

On A Sweeter Note

Going through some old files on my computer , I came across some pictures of cakes that Emily has made this past year . There were quite many different models that she worked on so hard . 

Cake decorating has never been her strong suit in Culinary School and she struggled greatly . It was during that time I was diagnosed with cancer and in the Hospital . She basically went through her struggle alone as all the focus was on me . 

She never finished nor received her degree as a Pastry Chef , but she never stopped trying to improve herself . During this past year she'd practice all on her own . Here are some of her creations . 

Life is a constant struggle . Do we surrender when faced with trials or difficulties ? Do we stop living and throw our hands in the air with defeat ? No , we make cake !

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Who Is This ?

Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!Mark 4:41
Since my journey with cancer has begun , I have been to places deep inside the crevices of my soul . One would imagine there was nowhere left to explore  , but if we believe in this vast universe created by God , we understand the knowledge that is there waiting for us to absorb . He is bigger than anything we could ever understand or know . 
Once we accept this as truth , we know our life is a never ending pool of wisdom and our bodies vessels of magnesium drawn to it . I want to learn . I have a thirst that cannot be quenched easily . Feed me with all there is to know so I can be better than ever before . 
During my first experience at a Christian concert ( Chris Tomlin , of course ) he had a speaker whose name I can't remember , but it was then that this thirst began . 
He showed pictures of the Galaxy , the beauty was beyond our  expectations . " This is God " , he said . Then he pointed to a star so tiny it looked like the point of a pencil . " This is us . That is the distinction between us and God . He is greater than we can ever imagine  ", he said . 

Since then , I view Our Creator in this way . He is greater than anything we can imagine and I have a desire to know Him better . I long for a connection with Him resembling that of a soul mate . All of my life , I've searched for that someone with whom I can be totally myself and who will accept me as I am for I come before Him naked . 
Here I am , broken in pieces , waiting for the embrace of my beloved and He does not fail me . His love surrounds me and lifts me up to soar through difficulties .

Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!Mark 4:41

He is my Kinsman Redeemer , my Boaz ! His Grace and Love heals and comforts me . Teach me , O Lord , teach me .
Have a Blessed  day everyone .

Monday, January 6, 2014

The List

 At the start of every New Year , there is so much talk of resolution and plans for what we are trying to achieve  and we never complete them . Why not just throw those Lists out and strive for one thing ? How about if we become Christ's People and live according to His will in His image . Enjoy the Link everyone . 

Happy  New Year everyone !

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Renewed Passion

Your word I have treasured in my heart, 
That I may not sin against You. 
Blessed are You, O LORD
Teach me Your statutes. 
With my lips I have told of 
All the ordinances of Your mouth. 
I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, 
As much as in all riches. 
I will meditate on Your precepts 
And regard Your ways. 
I shall delight in Your statutes; 
I shall not forget Your word. (Psalm 119:11–16)

Why do I feel such excitement about the new year ? Is it because it represents a new beginning ? A chance to do a 
" do over " from last year ? Or is it the promise of Hope ? An opportunity for dreams to come to reality ?

I feel relief .

 Just recently I made a decision to take a step back and evaluate what was missing from my soul . This feeling of disconnection from everyone and everything would not go away , instead kept getting louder . I knew I was slowly losing my spiritual self .

I needed to take a break , but from where ?

When you immerse yourself completely into everything you do with  a passion , how do you choose ? You weigh all your options based on what is right for you at that particular time even if that means choosing a path that has meant so much to you . 

For me to place my focus on rejuvenating a relationship with Christ , I have to make room for it to grow . After painful deliberation I have decided to take a sabbatical from teaching Sunday School  and devote this time for my spiritual growth . 

I feel relief .

I feel anticipation for what is coming . 

I feel .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome Is Thy Death


Since I view death differently now then when I was younger ,  I found the above tweet to be hilarious . Unfortunately , not many felt the same way . 

We see death as serious business . Death is ritualistic , full of pomp and has a sober air of reality . For some of us , death is an end , the final hoorah . For others , it's a fine line between heaven and 
hell  and their salvation .

Before cancer , death would scare me to pieces . The thought of worms eating my flesh while in the ground gave me shudders . If I chose to cremate myself , I hoped they would wait until I was fully dead . 

Silly , isn't it ? It is the fear of the unknown that scares people . As a Christian , I know where I am going as long as I follow Christ's principles . That knowledge offers me comfort and ease so I no longer view death as something horrible . It is merely a transition to our Promised Land with Christ . . . . . our reward . 

What a comfort  for my children to know that we will be reunited in His Kingdom where we will live out our eternity . Whatever handicaps we carry here on earth will stay here as our souls go up to Heaven . We will walk around completely renewed in our new bodies free of all earthly  hindrances . I will be free of cancer . 

 I am sure that when the time comes , I will be anxious with a little fear , but it will never overtake me . He will take my hand and lead me into Paradise . 

Have a Blessed day everyone .

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let The Fast Begin

We all have things we look forward to in our lives . One of my favorites happens to be the January Fast at our Church . I love to start the New Year cleansed , feeling fresh within my soul . Our Church does 21 days , but Emily and I do the entire month .

Why do we fast ? I believe we experience clarity and the fast heightens the intensity of whatever we are seeking . The question isn't why we are , but what we are fasting for ? 

Satisfaction is found in a life that reflects God’s priorities—and time with Him comes first. Reading His Word, we become mindful of the Father’s great love, learn what He views as important, and experience the joy of belonging to Him. When contentment is elusive, it’s time to examine our priorities.( Charles Stanley )

For some time now , I haven't felt as if my relationship with Jesus was a nurturing one . Something has been missing . Church used to be a place where I ran to every week so I could lay down my troubles . During Worship , I felt transformed into the presence of God . I would leave feeling so at peace and ready to face the coming week . 

I haven't felt like that in a very long time . This fast is to bring us closer into a deeper relationship like we had in the 
past . Just Him and me , once again . 

So I fast , giving up the indulgence of gluttony , eating fruit or vegetable for breakfast , lunch and snacks with a humble supper . I offer up my time and my body in exchange for His Presence and company . Let's spend some time getting re-acquainted . 

Have a Blessed day everyone .