Monday, July 22, 2013

Simple Simplicity. . . .

For as long as I can remember , I've always held a dream  about my middle - age years . They didn't involve getting cancer nor being in a perpetual state of treatment . My dreams were for a life of simplicity . A time in my life where I wasn't ruled by a time clock or changing diapers . Where I slept as long as I wanted to and I ate whatever I wanted .

In my mind , I saw myself living in a small cottage surrounded by a beautiful garden . A cottage far away from city life and city noise . Inside it was furnished comfortably not lavishly . There was a special room used just for crafting with every imaginable material neatly stored away on the numerous shelves .

All of that , of course , is just as much a fantasy now as then . In reality , I live in an apartment in the city and I work for a large company . I'm as far away from the country or that garden as I can be . Oh yes , I also have stage three ovarian cancer .

Just because my life didn't quite turn out the way I dreamt it would , doesn't mean I can't live it . Deep down inside , I know I will get there , but for now , I can get as close to it as possible .

I really want to start living that simple life doing whatever I can to improve the quality of  it . That simplicity part involves every area : from health to finances , from diet to spiritual . My goal is top live the best life that God has intended for me .

From time to time , I will share my journey on this new road to simplicity with a new series entitled " Simply ___ " .  Join me as I embark on this new adventure with God leading the way !

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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