Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Give Me A Name

For a long time now , I have held a secret wish to form a group for women here in my home . This group would consist of fellow crafters who can knit and crochet OR have a desire to learn .

This group would serve two purposes :
1. to use our talents to serve the community by making assorted items such as blankets for the homeless or baby items for crisis centers etc .
2. to meet and develop a relationship with fellow sisters in Christ . To be there for each other as we live out our lives here on earth serving God .

Believe me , I have many reservations . What if no one shows up ? What if they do show up and are disappointed ? Will I be able to physically handle yet another responsibility ? I'm not sure , but I'm willing to give it  a try .

What I need from all of you is help in naming this group . What should we call it ? Maybe you have suggestions on how we can make this a successful venture . Maybe , you just want to offer prayers , donations of yarn etc. . . . I welcome all comments , ideas and donations . I hope to hear from you soon .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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