Monday, July 8, 2013

Living The Best Life

 Reaching our full potential begins with a clean heart—one that loves the Lord and desires to obey Him .
Charles Stanley

Real life  is lived on our knees .
Charles Stanley .

Isn't that the truth ! Lately , these words are what  I want to live by . All this past week , being off from work , I prayed and prayed as I flitted from one event to another .

Prayed that the car wouldn't break down . Prayed that I would arrive to my destination safely . Prayed that my blood pressure wouldn't be too high . Prayed that I could pay my bills on time . Prayed for healing regarding a friend . Praying was the theme .

I knew that the next vacation wouldn't happen for a few months . I wanted to get things right to set the tone for those coming months . I felt a new chapter was before me and I wanted to make sure I'd be living the best life God intended for me .

I have spent too many years of my youth going it my own way . Look how that turned out . Even as a Christian , I have tried to imprint my own ideas and plans for the future . When nothing came from them, I'd be tired with waiting , crying out to the Lord " when Lord , when " ?

Maybe they will happen  and maybe they won't . All I know is that closeting myself until that moment arrives is just plain silly . It may never come .

Living the best life doesn't involve being rich in money and material things . Living the best life does mean living with a clean heart . The older I get , the more I shy away from confrontation , anger , hatred and discord . It still happens , but then , my whole being is out of whack , shattered into pieces . Trying to put all of them together again is quite a feat .

How many more treatments do you have left ?

When is your Petscan ?

Is this chemo working ?

I have no idea nor do I really care anymore . My treatment has become such a huge part of my lifestyle that the answers everyone wants to hear are not important . I am okay with every scenario God has planned for me . Isn't that enough ?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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