Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hospital Stays

A very dear friend of ours , happens to be in Chicago , having back surgery . For the past two days , my mind has been drifting back in time , to my hospital stay six years ago  . Back then , the hospital became my home as I went in and out for four months  .

I can vividly remember that first stay  and how uncomfortable I was . I laid there , hooked up to all kinds of machines , tubes sticking out of me . Oh , how I hated that mattress , causing my back to hurt terribly . Every couple of hours , the nurses would turn me , bringing relief for awhile . 

When I finally adapted to the bed , the powerful light from the hallway would stream into the room , making sleep difficult  every time someone entered . When waking in the recovery room , those florescent , glaring lights were the first thing you saw .

There is no privacy at the hospital . Not only do you have about ten interns looking down at you during examinations , but your door swings in and out constantly with hospital staff .

You cannot rest in a hospital . The phone never stops ringing and if you decide not to answer , then your family calls the nurses desk wondering if something bad has happened . They don't want to see you in bed , but sitting up in a recliner and walking the corridors pushing all your equipment .

All that aside , hospitals have become a home to me . I can maneuver myself through the corridors , somehow knowing my way around as if I lived there . I don't get bored nor impatient with all the waiting . I learned to relax in the midst of it .

Every time I walk into the building , memories come flooding back . . . bittersweet memories . Memories of crying out in pain and crying out to the Lord . I grew in this place both physically and mentally .

How could I not be comfortable in it ? Have a Blessed day everyone .

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