Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Missing The Mark

The days turned colder and a taste for some homemade soup lingered on , becoming almost an obsession . An idea formed of what I wanted in the soup and  I  prepared it with an expectation that  it  would taste heavenly .

The final outcome wasn't as good , missing the mark entirely on the seasoning and combination of ingredients . What happened ? I have made this particular soup countless of times with a much tastier result . Why didn't it work this time ?

Earlier in the week , I have begun crocheting baby blankets for my niece Kathy's Baby Shower  . It has become quite a tradition for me to do so for every baby born in this family . She will be expecting blankets from me , so I settled in with a variety of colors and styles fresh on  my mind .
Here I am , three days in and already experiencing complications . The blankets look and feel completely wrong . There are snags and uneven loops making the appearance of amatuerish craftsmanship . Every strand of yarn feels awkward between my fingers . It just looks bland . How will I ever make this work ?

I have definitely been missing the mark lately . Things I have been doing all of my life , turning out sour . I have lost my touch , my techinique . Even now , as I write , I know my writing skills are lacking the usual flair .

All week, I'm off from work . I have filled my calendar with mental images of all I would accomplish during this time . Every night , I sit in front of the computer and stare at the blank screen unable to form words . All my plans of writing nonstop and uninterrupted , flying out the open window . Nothing . .. . . I can't form a sentence .

Giving up seems like a grand  option right now . I seem to be all dried up and unable to produce anything worthwhile . I've become stale , missing the mark entirely . Perhaps it's time to fold ?
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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