Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Adventures Of Awesomeness

 The Adventures Of Awesomeness . What a great title . Makes you want to grab that book and read it ! It has that " something " that draws people .
  Remember when I mentioned how my grandson was intrigued by my blog ? How he wanted to start writing one on his own ? Last night he did . That's the title of his blog . I'm blown away by that title . I should have called my blog that !
  Emily and I read it together . It brought on a whole bunch of memories of when she and her brother were little  . Children's imaginations are amazing .
  When Joe was 5 yrs. old he got an old tape recorder . That tape recorder shaped his entire future. He and my mom played " weathermen " with it . That was the start of his radio inspiration.
  Emily , on the other hand , watched The Frugal Gourmet since she was a toddler . There was no Sesame Street for her . She was always doing her own cooking show and the commercials were done by me , of course .
  That's how my children played . If I wasn't doing laundry commercials for Emily , then I was the 8th caller on Joey's radio program .
  We need to encourage our children . Who knows what will become of Tim's blog ?! Maybe he'll become a Journalist  , an Author or a Screenwriter .
   As we drove to the beach today , we discussed  our  " blogs " . I couldn't be happier since this is just ours , something that he only does with me . How special is that ? I'm leaving something behind . Yeah , something special , alright . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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