Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Hard Days Night

 This past Sunday , we had to write top 3 hindrances in our lives that kept us from making Jesus a priority in our life . I wrote my three right away . Glancing down at my notes  , I could see how they can be misconstrued to their meaning unless I explain them .
  What were the three ?
1. a woman's name ( did you think I'd tell you the name ? )
2. Sunday School
3. work
  I struggle with each of these three in their own way . Their meaning isn't what you may think but each of these has a way of keeping me away from Jesus and living the kind of life He meant for me .
 1. This one has been a struggle for me  for over 15 years . My relationship with this person has ping -ponged back and forth between good and bad . I am determined to love this woman . Just when I think I have succeeded , she does something so un-christianlike to me that I vow never to have anything to do with her again . Show me how to love this woman , Lord. I don't need to be her best friend . I just need not to have her affect me this way .
2. Yes , I know what you are thinking . How can Sunday School be a hindrance ? It can be a hindrance because I am always down there and I don't receive the Word . I can listen to radio , T.V. or read everyday but it doesn't compare to actually being there in Church Worshipping God . I love what I do with the children but I need to find a balance between the two . We need more volunteers . I feel so guilty in writing this one .
3. I think that 99.9 % of you know what this one means . If you are like me , you know it is extremely difficult to be a Christian in a secular work force . Again , finding the perfect balance between the two . I'm trying so desperately not to allow outside pressures weigh heavily on my shoulders . There are times I feel the smash of the mallet upon my head sinking me deeper and deeper into despair .
  These are my struggles . How do I overcome them ? Each day , I pray that whatever I do or say is a reflection of Jesus . I pray that whatever aggravations and open hurts are thrown my way that they fall right off me .

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