Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Business Class All The Way

  I always wondered what was so special about riding Business Class on a train . They always get to board first like they're royalty . The elderly I can understand but Business Class ? Before everyone else ? I mean they have their own car .
  I rode home , for the first time , in Business Class . I'm ashamed to say that I'm hooked . who wouldn't be ? They serve you unlimited coffee . There is a newspaper on every seat . The seat itself reclines and so roomy you can actually stretch completely out . The car is right next to the lounge .You have so much room ! There is no elbowing your seated partner next to you .
  Where have I been all this time ?! I truly haven't lived . There is no way I can go back to coach . That's how it is sometimes in life , after you tried something new you can never go back to the old . We always want more . We are greedy people like the people of Moses in the desert . We are never satisfied with what we have . Here I have been boasting to the world the transformation within my heart just to find out I'm ordinary like everyone else .
  I wish we could have pulled over for every freight train so I could have been there a little longer . So sorry that it was just an hour and a half . Even when we arrived at Union Station , our car was the first to unload which was right by the door of the station . No walking long distances . All this for a whopping two dollars more per trip .
  I was very surprised at the thundering weather outside . I just spent the last week in smothering temperatures and now it's storming ? But then , vacation is over . Too bad the temps. aren't . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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