Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Christian Way

  It's very difficult being a Christian . The spirit  of conviction is always with you making you very much aware of when you do wrong . No matter how small the offense , you feel the weight of it inside your heart .
  I made  a decision five years ago to totally and completely live my life according to Christ . I want to live my life in a peaceful and harmonious state both spiritually and mentally .
  Temptation is all around us making it easy for us to fall and fall we do . I have fallen many times . Don't mistake my meaning . I have fallen but never have fallen away.
 "There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins " Ecclesiastes 7:20
 There is a misconception about Christians that non-believers place on us . The misconception that we are above sin and better than anyone else . We are Holy .  I don't consider myself like that but it seems that others place us on that pedestal . When we fall off that pedestal , non-believers have a harder time accepting our faults .
   I can remember my first months as a new Christian . Whenever I had a huge prayer request , I would ask a " seasoned " Christian to pray about it because I felt their prayer would be so much stronger than mine . Why ? They have been Christians longer therefore Holier . Silly , isn't it ? I learned quickly just how silly that thought was as the same people I held in such a holier than thou pedestal fell down into the temptation of adultry .
  What happened to my Holy couple ? My mistake was in thinking Christians were Holier than everyone else . That doesn't excuse us from bad behavior , though .
   A few months ago , I had an argument with someone and I behaved in a very unchristian way by screaming at the person . They were so shocked by my screaming ! How could I behave in such a manner and profess myself to be a Christian ?!
  Very true . I did behave badly and I'm very upset at myself for that behavior . I read somewhere that we Christians have to be very careful how we live and act because our lives are a reflection of our Faith . A non-believer may see our bad behavior and decide the Christian way is not for them .
  Have I been forgiven by my friend ? No , but then my behavior was wrong .We all need to be very careful how we portray ourselves among the public . So , the next time we are aggravated by the traffic or the driver in front of us ..........think about what would Jesus do ? Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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