Wednesday, April 25, 2012

That Leg Thing

    When Monday rolled around , I practically skipped to the doctor's ! I've had enough of the pain and wanted nothing more than relief ! Little did I know I'ld spend better part of my day  there . Close to 6 hours !
    Funny , how I've become familiar with the layout of that Hospital . Give me the unit number and already I know which direction to take . My one problem ? I didn't bring enough yarn with me . Was I bored ? You better believe it !
   After sending me for x-rays , which proved everything was working in order , all three doctors stared down at my swollen knee perplexed . Why is this thing swollen . All tests were looking good with just a small amount of arithitis .
   A lightbulb appeared ! Let's drain the knee , send the fluid to Lab and  inject with steroids  . Ahhhh , my friend the steroids . We all know how much I love steroids . Then I asked a stupid question . Will it hurt ? " After all you have been through , this will be nothing ". Yeah , right . Did it hurt ? You better believe it . I think they heard me screaming in the lobby .
    Immediately , I could feel the difference . I'm amazed at people , whom I know , that walk around with leg pain and do nothing about it . Even now , I'm so happy to be rid of this pain  . Hopefully , it won't come back .
    What brought this on ? My doctor thinks it was all the medications I have been on . The side effects of my chemo . When I looked in the mirror the next day what did I see ? Red face . Here we go again . My friend the steroids . I'm still red .

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