Monday, April 16, 2012

Here Comes The Rain

              It's been raining on and off all day . I love the rain . In my younger , youthful years I would walk in the rain with my face turned upwards . . . . . thunder and lightening welcomed ! I felt no fear of being struck . I only saw the beauty of thunderstorms . Never quite understood why people were afraid of them . Want to see God's awesome power and beauty ? Checkout a thunderstorm .
             What a lovely weekend it has been ! During the middle of the week I played hookie from work doing absolutely nothing but relaxing and being lazy . I have been so tired and feeling worn out that I decided to take a break . No Women's Group . . . . . . no overtime . . . . . .no work . . . . .  nothing  . . . . . just me and Emily and Diamond , of course .
             Talk about needing some time off !!! I feel great ! As the rain poured down , I could feel all the tiredness wash away from me . The worry and fears . . . . .everything . Looking out the window , all I saw was the beauty . There is nothing like a good rain to wash everything bad away . The grass and trees looked so very green . So very refreshed ! That's what I needed ! I needed to feel refreshed . . . . anew . . . clean .
             All weekend long , with the curtains billowing fiercely , I felt Spring was finally here . Spring to me has always meant a new beginning . A fresh start . My orthopedic appointment around the corner , I knew the pain in my leg would be gone soon . I felt hopeful . The rain began to fall . Let it come . Let it wash away all the old . Let's begin anew . Here comes the rain . . . . welcome it .

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm with you, Lottie. I love rain, almost always. Was caught in a tornado once, though. THAT was truly terrifying. Hope you feel refreshed and revived when your day is done. Miss you.
