Monday, April 23, 2012

Music To My Ears

      Looking around the room , watching the children sing to our theme song at Sunday School , actually brought tears to my eyes . A  year ago , these same children wanted nothing to do with worship time . They wouldn't participate . Some stood there like lumps saying nothing . Others sat at the table coloring . Coaxing them to join in was  an ordeal .
    That ordeal turned into a GOAL . I wanted them to sing ! I wanted to expose these children to worshiping God through music and song . I had visions in my mind of these same children learning songs by heart and loving it . For some , this would be the only place they hear Christian songs .
    I am fortunate to have a Pastor's Wife who shared that same vision with me . Ater changing the curriculum for the new Sunday School year . . . . .  here we are  . . . . .  six months later , and these same children will be singing in front of the congregation at our church .
   Whether they remember all the words , I'm not sure , but I see their faces riveted to the screen every Sunday trying to mimic the hand motions for every song . No more need for coaxing these childrens to putaway their crayons , no more need to coax them to move , to sing ....TO WORSHIP !
    I think that every Sunday School teacher has one goal actually make a difference in a child's life . There are times we go home feeling defeated , feeling more like a babysitter than a teacher . But then ,. there comes a moment--a magical moment where a goal becomes a reality . Suddenly , what you hear is music to your ears .

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