Sunday, April 29, 2012

Increase Yourself !

    Recently , I've watched a show on T.L.C. featuring a woman who was overtly obese weighing in at over 550 lbs . The show had nothing to do with weight loss .  Really , it doesn't matter what the show was about . All I noticed was how confident this woman was about herself . Her image . Her appearance . Herself .
     I was so impressed by this woman . She posed in a bikini , not a swimsuit , but a bikini ! How could one not be impressed with her confidence . She loved herself the way Christ loved her .
    I have struggled with my self image all of my life...especially now . This woman has achieved something I haven't but desired immensely . Impressive indeed ! I wish I had that confidence . I wish I could pose in a bikini  and be proud of my body .
    Reading my devotional today , I thought of that woman . It dealt with increasing your self acceptance and provided a 5 step practical tips to improving your opinion of yourself . This is not the first time I have read in my devotionals about acceptance of oneself . In fact , there have been many . It makes me think that this is a very common problem many of us have .
    If you are one of those people , just as I am , who suffers from lack of confidence regarding your appearance . . . . .well , I hope this helps .
1. never speak negatively about yourself . Acknowledge every good thing in you through Christ Jesus and not by focusing on the wrong
2. let God determine your worth . Remember that you already have been accepted by God.
3. avoid comparing yourself to others . We are not called to compare , but to comply .
4. keep your flaws in perspective . See where  you want to improve , but appreciate your progress .
5. discover the true source of confidence . Place your confidence with God . Do your best and leave the results to Him .
   See yourself the way Christ sees you . Have a Blessed week !


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