Monday, December 5, 2022

The Wandering Heart


                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Sweet Patience, come:

Not from a low and earthly source,--
Waiting, till things shall have their course,--
Not as accepting present pain
In hope of some hereafter gain,--
Not in a dull and sullen calm,--
But as a breath of heavenly balm,
Bidding my weary heart submit
To bear whatever God sees fit:
Sweet Patience, come!

Every morning, we get up and face the world. Every morning. 

This past year, it seems my life has become robotic in motion. I get up. I go to work. I go to prayer group or bible study or church. I meet friends or crochet for my ministry or make videos for my YouTube channel. 

I do the exact same things that I have been doing for the last several years and yet . . . there is no satisfaction . . . no fulfillment. Only a longing. Something is missing. That sparkle is gone.

One could almost feel when a change takes place. There is a certain sense of things not quite being the same. A season has passed in one's life where a shift has taken effect and our time here in this space is over. We have done all we came to do here. 

I have always wanted a permanent spot to dwell in, to mingle with for the remainder of my life. I have wandered for many years now, going from place to place, each time thinking it was for the last time. I have envied others who have spent their entire life in one house, one church, one community, one family. 

That's what I want, too.

I have no idea what is coming next. Yet, I know something new is around the corner. A path is forming, a call is being prepared and the obedient servant is waiting to receive it. 

Isaiah 6:8
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

There is much joy out there as well as much pain. Moments are fleeting, but memories stay forever. Our hearts ache for what was, especially when we know deep down inside it might never be again. We feel all that, but we also know that life moves on. We get up every morning.

 We breathe in and out. 

We go out and face the world.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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