Thursday, December 22, 2022

Life Stood Still


                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Thy kingdom come, with power and grace,

To every heart of man;
Thy peace, and joy, and righteousness
In all our bosoms reign.

This month has certainly knocked me off balance. Somewhere in my daily life I have picked up a virus bug of sorts that laid me up for days. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. 

Everything was placed on hold. The dishes lay in the sink. The refrigerator remained empty. The laundry piled higher each day. The stack of mail grew taller. The e-mails remained unanswered. Life itself stood still. Christmas just around the corner.

We got up, went to work. Came home and went to bed. This routine was repeated again and again and again. Our daily schedule stood still as we barely functioned from work and back. 

It's amazing how something as small as a virus can set one back, totally humbling us. Nothing else mattered, but getting the necessary rest so we could recover fully. Not even the same things like our crafts or our movies or hobbies could get our attention as before the illness.

Now that recovery is on it's way, one feels quite overwhelmed by all that has been left on the wayside. It seems that we can never get ahead so why even worry about it. One step at a time. One day at a time. Breathe in. Breathe out. When it comes down to it, does it really matter as much as we think? 

I worked for a manager once who only had one piece of paper on his desk at any given moment. His desk was spotless! He believed that we can only devote our fullest attention to one thing at a time. This is very true, especially now, coming out of this sickness. Things can seem so overwhelming if we allow them to be. A house is just a house. It's the people living inside it that bring it to life.

It may take me a minute to get through everything, but it will get done eventually. The people in my life won't always be here for me to enjoy. Nor I for them.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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