Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Restorative Year


                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The man who has no refuge in himself, 

who lives, so to speak,

 in his front rooms, 

in the outer whirlwind of things and opinions,

 is not properly a personality at all; ...

 he is one of a crowd.


As the year comes to a close, I cannot help, but reflect on all the things that were and all the things that could have been.  For my family, It has been a very difficult time that began back in the Fall of 2021. As this past year began to unfold, we as a family, slowly started the process of restorative action. 

Life is full of cause and effect. There are consequences for all our decisions. Sometimes, we make a great decision and reap the harvest from it. Other times, we reap the heavy consequences of those poor decisions. Other way, cause and effect weigh heavily the price of those decisions.

Beginning restoration can be quite tricky. There are things that will never be restored fully no matter how much one may try. One can say all there is to be said. One may do all that one can do. One may repent in every way possible. None of these things matter if these actions are not received by others. Either one is forgiven or one isn't. 

There comes a time where one is faced with a fork in the road. Does one stay still waiting for redemption? For forgiveness? For permission for restoration of one's life? 

When all has been said, tried and done to no avail, one has no choice but to move forward on the path God has placed them on. We all have a purpose given to us by God. Many of us are not aware of what that purpose may be for us to fulfill. All one has to do is ask and God will show you His will for you. Just ask.

The year is almost over, the door closing forever on all that has been. We can look back full of regrets and we should show remorse for those bad decisions. But . . . we should also do our very best to reconcile all that we can by moving forward bettering ourselves and our relationships. Trials can strengthen families or they can rip them apart. We can pick up these broken pieces of a family and put them back together even stronger than ever. For the families that refuse to be restored, well, one can only move forward and do everything possible in bettering ourselves from this experience. 

Life does not stand still. It moves forward, a sea of cause and effect. It's all about what we do with the wave that comes our way. Make it a good one. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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