Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Your Worst Day


                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Know well, my soul, 

God's hand controls 

Whatever thou fearest; 

Round Him in calmest music rolls 

Whate'er thou hearest.


Labor Day began just like any other three-day weekend. The streets were quiet and crowds were sparse as the world woke up slowly. The weekend was spent barbecuing for most likely the last time before the cold temperatures began and school was officially open. 

Heading out to pick up my daughter from work, I continued on the same route that I have taken countless of times. The left turn signal changed to green and I proceeded forward just like I have many times over. The oncoming vehicle never stopped for their red and as you may have concurred, we collided.

This one act, this one incident, changed everything. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but the irritation that resulted from it kept both sides busy in paperwork and phone calls for the remainder of the month. A very frustrating month!

We go about our lives every single day oblivious to the world around us. If it doesn't touch us in a personal way, we really don't feel it. We are sorry for others' struggle or turmoil and we may even say a prayer for them, but deep down inside, we carry on our merry way.

There is always someone who is having their worst day. That worst day may vary in degree, but believe me, to them it's devastating. The worst part of it? No one notices until they are in the middle of it with them experiencing their own pain. 

Empathy is not something that we are born with, but we do acquire it as we grow in Christ. The more we immerse ourselves in becoming like Jesus, the more compassion we show for others in need. We not only feel for them, but we also see them.

My accident brought me much despair and frustration, but I will never forget that woman who sat on the curb so devastated by her mistake. The shock and disbelief of what just happened evident in her entire being. Sometimes, we need to forget what has occurred to us and instead minister to the one who inflicted the pain. 

We all were affected by this accident. There was no "winner" in this scenario. We tend to think that our pain is the only important pain that matters, but that isn't true. Everyone hurts and feels emotion. Everyone deserves forgiveness and compassion, even the one who caused the pain.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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