Thursday, November 17, 2022

Change Is Necessary


                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                everyday is a journey.

To be the thing we seem,

To do the thing we deem
Enjoined by duty;
To walk in faith, nor dream
Of questioning God's scheme
Of truth and beauty

To say that I have been absent from my blog, is quite an understatement. For many years now, I have been experiencing a drought, a writer's block. I believe it has begun when I went into remission, a remission that has lasted since 2016. In fact, I have never had a more positive oncologist visit than recently. For someone who has experienced cancer four times in nine years, it can be a very unbelievable moment and a surreal one. 

This entire blog has been centered around my life with cancer. When the good news arrived, I thought to myself, what in the world will I write about now?

 I failed to practice what I have been preaching. My goal has always been to show people that one could live a very purposeful life with a chronic illness. I may be in the longest remission I have ever experienced, so shouldn't I be sharing that with others?

In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus heals the ten lepers and only one comes back to thank Him. Suddenly, I feel as if I was one of the nine that didn't proclaim His glory. I may have thanked Jesus for this long remission that I am in, but I have not shared in the goodness that followed within that remission with others. 

In the past year, I have experienced a loss, a major one in my family. It has brought back to me the realization of how much this blog has helped me in my recovery with pain in the past. It can provide a therapeutic healing of one's broken and grief stricken heart no matter what one may be going through.  

So here we are, another season, another chapter of my life. Who knows where this will lead us, what we will discover as we peel away the pain. The longer you know someone, the more you love them and are interested in what they do. I think that is why it hurts when they're gone. It's like we're trying so hard to hold it together, but in reality, we're busting at the seams. Just a year ago I was walking on air. Did I appreciate the blessings I was receiving? Or have I become so accustomed to my cup overflowing?

Letting go and starting over is so hard to do when we have loved so very much. Grieving is a real thing. The person doesn't have to die for us to grieve their time with us. Separation is just as bad and probably hurts even more. We cannot sit in the misery and the pain where we end up drowning. We do have to let go and start over once again. Change is necessary for us to thrive for the way Jesus intended for us to live our life. 

I sit here, looking out the window at the cloudiness in the sky. It looks so bleak, doesn't it? Yet, one has to start somewhere. It won't always be a cloudy day. The Sun does come out eventually and boy, we will enjoy that sunshine on our face.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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