Monday, November 21, 2022

Simply Dieting


                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

In heavenly love abiding,

No change my heart shall fear;
And safe is such confiding,
For nothing changes here.

Dieting is not a word that held any meaning in my life until past the year 2007. Before that, I had no idea what that really meant, because I was one of "those" skinny people. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted. Never gained anything. I gave birth to four children and I was able to still get into my clothes.

Dieting? There was no need for any of it! Quite honestly, I had no empathy for anyone struggling with their weight, because I had no idea what that meant or what it took to diet.

Of all the things I had to deal with since my cancer journey, my weight gain has been the hardest. I have struggled with acceptance of how I look. I have struggled with how others see me. I have struggled with just simply losing the weight! I often wondered if this would be my permanent size and I should just give up. 

This past Summer, I have given this dilemma much thought. I no longer wish to diet, but instead learn to incorporate good eating habits and exercise into my lifestyle. How many times have we said that phrase? We often feel we need to give up the foods we love entirely and that is not true. Almost every doctor will tell you we need a little bit of every food group. Yes, there are people who have no choice, but need to eliminate certain foods for their health. Overall, it is all about portions and finding a perfect balance. 

There are so many diets out there and along with them, many different opinions. I cannot stress enough that we all are different and what may have worked for one may not work for the other. Remember to take into account your health, especially if you have a chronic illness. It is better to consult your doctor about any choices concerning your diet. Don't be afraid to bring up that conversation with them. My GP loves to talk with me about my diet. 

 Exercise is not something I have enjoyed in the past and nor do I look forward to in the future! As I become older, I see a need for exercise to keep myself limber and agile. These joints of mine don't work as well as they used to and if I am not careful, I will lose the ability to move. 

I have selected a workout that is based on my age and ability. I have no desire to be jumping up and attempting physical feats outside of my strength. Last thing I want to do is hurt myself in an attempt to become healthy. Here is the link for the workout I do for anyone who might be interested.

I wish I could tell you what a good student of exercise I have become, but that would be a lie. Thus far, I have struggled with maintaining that routine. Oh, I would have great workouts for weeks on end and then completely fall off the band wagon struggling to get back on it. If it was easy, I would have lost the weight a long time ago. The takeaway point here is not to give up. Keep going even when you fail. Get up, dust yourself off, forgive yourself and get back to it!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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