Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Prism Promise

                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 Look thou with pity on a brother's fall,

But dwell not with stern anger on his fault;
The grace of God alone holds thee, holds all;
Were that withdrawn, thou too wouldst swerve and halt.

The morning started out in a rush as usual. I slept in more than I wanted to and now I was running a bit late. Running down the stairs, I stopped midway to admire all the tiny prisms scattered upon the walls and stairs. The Sun was rising and streaming through the glass stained door creating these beautiful tiny promises of God. 

A memory flashed before me from one year ago. We were moving in and I could feel the excitement, the gratitude of being here. I remember it so well, that emotion of having finally made it, a dream come true. 

It has been wonderful living here as if we have done so all of our lives. Yet, it would be immature and unrealistic to say there weren't any upsets. Life is life, affecting us in both negative and positive ways. 

Sometimes we need reminders to how much we are loved! We tend to forget all the wonderful moments we have experienced and we tend to focus on all the wrong things going on in our lives. That prism, that tiny promise, of all the blessings I have experienced along the way. Don't let me forget. Thank you Jesus for all that you do for me.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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