Sunday, June 27, 2021

A Divine Appointment


                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

On the great love of God I lean,

Love of the Infinite, Unseen,
With nought of heaven or earth between.
This God is mine, and I am His;
His love is all I need of bliss.

People often ask me about the start of my Ministry. They have so many questions, but little do they know, I never planned on leading a crocheting Ministry. It just happened. Honestly, my number one answer is always that it's not my Ministry, but God's. Let me tell you, everyone looks at me like I'm crazy whenever I say that. Yet, it's true.

Do you believe in a divine appointment?

A divine appointment is a special meeting, an unforeseen connection, a significant opportunity that God sets up in your day through His providential guidance. It is a situation when and where the Lord gives you a unique moment to share His love with others or be a blessing to someone. It is God breaking into your world to use you, encourage you or give you a key relationship link for the future.
Dale O'Shields.

Back in 2013, I had a divine appointment with God. He had a mission, a purpose for me to fulfill. There were a group of young women in our Church who wanted to learn how to crochet and they approached me for lessons. Little did I know that God would use that setting to place an idea in my head to form a Ministry in helping others through crochet.

I didn't know what I was doing. I was just heading out in whatever direction He set out for me. I would sit and crochet with these young women silently asking God what are we going to do with all these items? Then someone would approach me with a need somewhere for hats and scarves or blankets. It just grew and grew and grew.

Many young and senior ladies went through the Ministry. There were a few men as well, but wish to remain anonymous. A little embarrassed, I think, in looking not very masculine as they crocheted. 

The Ministry went through many changes as well. Some good, some not. It's very hard to believe that we will be celebrating eight years this coming August. I had a saying that we would continue on as long as God provided the yarn and He has. We had some lean years where I thought we might have to close the Ministry, but He provided just enough to finish strong every year. 

God truly has a purpose for all of us. I know, I know, that sounded a bit "churchy" and yet, it's true. I never planned this and yet it landed on my lap. One only has to open their heart, their ears and their eyes to what God has waiting for them. Not all of us are willing to do that. You don't want to miss your divine appointment. It might just change your life for the better. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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