Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Ministry At Work

                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                           everyday is a journey.

Let love through all my conduct shine,
  An image fair, though faint, of Thine;
  Thus let me His disciple prove,
  Who came to manifest Thy love.
Simon Browne.

I am having so much fun with the Ministry! I feel energized, excited and refreshed whenever I start crocheting for others. I love what I do! Period. I have been so blessed with donations of yarn and it has been a great feeling to know the coffers are filled to the brim. That used to bring me so much anxiety, the uncertainty to provide every month.

Running a Ministry is so much work. People forget just how much one puts into it and basically they assume the wrong things. 
  1. Someone has to find the yarn for them to use.
  2. Someone has to arrange gatherings where the yarn can be distributed and finished items picked up.
  3. Someone has to wash all the finished pieces and fold them.
  4. Someone has to find a home for the finished pieces. 
  5. Someone has to package up the finished items.
  6. Someone has to mail them out.  
Yet, I love every minute of it. I wish I could do this full time.

In August, we will be celebrating seven years. During that time, there have been many changes to the Ministry, some good and some not. Once again, we are left with a whole new start in a new area. An area we are not very familiar and the biggest change of all, we are a Ministry of one! 

The Ministry will go on for as long as God allows it. He has been providing for our needs all these years. A change of scenery really doesn't alter anything, but the address. I am ready to see what this 7th. year will bring and all the things the Ministry will do for others in our communities. For all those who have helped support this Ministry with donations of yarn . . . .thank you. 

Have a blessed day evertyone. 

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