Tuesday, August 25, 2020

It's Pretty Rough Out There

                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

We would fill the hours with the sweetest things,
If we had but a day:
We should drink alone at the purest springs,
In our upward way:
We should guide our wayward or wearied will,
By the clearest light:
We should keep our eyes on the heavenly hills,
If they lay in sight:
We should be from our clamorous selves set free,
To work and pray:
And be what the Father would have us to be,
If we had but a day.
—Margaret E. Sangster

Well, it's been pretty much a rough day, rough week, rough everything! I limped up the stairs to our place, my soles burning. When was the last time I felt like that? Ooh, many eons ago, back in the old days when my shift lasted 12 hours/ 6 days a week. 

I think I am just way too old to be working these kind of hours. The heart is willing, but the body is another thing! I will always participate and take full advantage whenever a golden opportunity to make more money towards my future goals. Having said all that, I am glad when they are over, lol. 

Sometimes I think the world is just plain getting meaner. The patience of men has worn thin and people don't want to wait for anything anymore. If there is a line with two people, tension fills the air. We want satisfaction right now.

You're probably wondering what all of the above is about, but you see, it has been written a few weeks before we moved. Honestly, the time does not even matter, because I could be describing this week. Life has become a lot tougher out there. Hatred. Meanness. Bigotry and racism run rampart. People react with vandalism and burning of Old Glory. More now than ever, people need something or someone and His name is Jesus. 

Oh, I could just see all the eyes rolling! What do you think it will take to change the hearts of men? Politicians? A new President? New Laws?

I am 55 years old and the same issues that politicians are advocating now, they have done ever since I was young. Your life will only change for the better when you follow the one capable  of doing so. If you haven't asked Him into your heart, do so today. You won't regret it. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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Winter Wonderland

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