Thursday, August 20, 2020

All Of The Above

                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                              everyday is a journey.

O Lord, how happy should we be 
If we could cast our care on Thee, 
If we from self could rest; 
And feel at heart that One above, 
In perfect wisdom, perfect love, 
Is working for the best.

As women, we deny ourselves. We are such heavy duty nurturers that anything pertaining to our needs whether emotional, physical or spiritual, gets placed on the back burner. We place everyone else's needs before ours. That's who we are as mothers, sisters, daughters and women in Christ. 

So, because of all of that, gathering together as women can be difficult. Just ask any Bible group leader, Crafting group and even your local PTA. All of them will tell you that when it comes to women meetings of any sort, it can be sketchy when it comes to attendance. It has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of what that meeting is all about. Nothing.
It's all about priorities.

You know, scheduling and organization has been a struggle for me personally. I'm sure it has for others as well. Chasing time and trying to meet all the needs of others has been a role set aside for women. When we are faced with an overwhelming schedule, we have to prioritize what is more important. We have a way of taking care of others, but anything to do with us is not a priority at all. We can go to a Ladies meeting some other day or a Retreat is out of the question at this point. Maybe, just maybe, things will slow down in the Fall. 

Burnout is a real thing for women a.k.a. depression, unhappiness, negativity, loneliness. Women need other women. We need each other's companionship, encouragements, wisdom and laughter. We can keep adding more and more attributes to the list, but the fact remains that we deny ourselves all of the above all of the time.

I can be a big talker here, because I don't have any small children to take care of or a husband who needs me. I can afford to take care of my needs. My priorities are not as pressing as the average woman. I am free to do a lot of things whenever I want to do them. Not many women can say the same. It wasn't always like this, because there was a time I was that average woman, too. We all need to remember that we were in that place right along with them at one time or another. Encouragement, companionship, wisdom and laughter we can offer to them, especially during this time. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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