Thursday, May 28, 2020

30 Days Of More:More Sense

                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                          everyday is a journey.

Lord! subdue our selfish will;

    Each to each our tempers suit,
  By Thy modulating skill,
    Heart to heart, as lute to lute.

One would think that I would have learned by now by my mistakes, but yet I keep making them. It's like a rerun of a past episode in my life. I will be doing really well for awhile and then wham! I slip backwards. You know the worst part? You know it's wrong, but somehow one rationalizes the why. We make excuses and we justify the act or acts. Usually,  right after remorse follows.

The thing about these past mistakes, they love to pop up when you are at your lowest point. They love to haunt you when you are not feeling good about yourself. They never show up when you are feeling confident and beautiful. No siree, never. They lurk in the darkness hoping to get you off guard.

I sometimes think I lack common sense when it comes to certain things, all the bad things in my past. I have always considered myself an intelligent and successful woman, until I do something truly stupid. How can that be? How can we falter so much when we are such a huge success elsewhere in our life?

I was curious to see if there were any books or courses on achieving more sense in your life. Actually, I googled it just for laughs and to my surprise there really are many and I mean many resources out there to combat this problem.

For example: Here is a link that I checked out and actually had some great tips for helping you to develop more sense. The  Steps to Developing Common Sense.
Compare risks or rewards of a decision before choosing what to do.

Trust your initial feeling so you don't over analyze things too much.

Look at your situation from another perspective to think through it clearly.

Ask someone you trust for feedback if you aren't sure about your decision.

Realize it's okay to make bad decision now and then.

Don't do things that you know are bad for you.

Be more observant of your surroundings. 

Think before you speak so you don't say something you will regret.

Accept that there are things you cannot change.

Pick options that are more practical.

Well, great advice, isn't it? We just need to put it into action. That's the hard part, the action.  Plus, it isn't like we have a list ready whenever common sense is involved. Here, let me pull out my common sense list and go through it. That's not what happens, but everything is a work in progress. We live and we learn . . . .. hopefully.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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