Thursday, May 7, 2020

30 Days Of More: The Introduction

                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

A man's concern is only whether
 in doing anything he is doing right 
or wrong—
acting the part of a good man or a bad.

Through my entire cancer journey, God has shown me what He wanted. I once read that we undergo a major change in our lives every ten years. I believe it is true not just for us as individuals, but also as a culture, as a world, affecting every other aspect touching our lives. There is a fundamental shift or change that alters how we see, feel and experience universal growth. Take a look at technology and how it has grown over the last several decades. Then take a look at how it has affected our lives in our careers, families and as a society. Many good things came from it, but also there have been some significant not so good changes that have resulted in long term consequences we have yet to experience. Most likely we will see the effects of it in the next generation.

We are now entering a brand new decade and I cannot help, but wonder what it will bring to my family, my children and myself. Many people out there are predicting that this next decade will be about the more in our life. More money, more materialism, more technology, more discovery, more change. The list is endless at what and how it can affect us.

The more I think about it, the more I am concerned and intrigued at how it may affect me. The uncertainty of the future may hold it's excitement and thrill, but there is the darker side, too. What is lurking around that corner? Will it be something beneficial for me? Or will it be a major hurdle?

As many of you know, the last decade has ended for me in uncertainty. What I have known and become accustomed to has abruptly been pulled under me, leaving me feeling a bit lost. As I struggle to come to terms with the realization of all the conflicting emotions inside of me, I need to dig deep and discover what is causing all this turmoil. Why am I feeling this way? What is bringing about all this stress and anxiety? Why am I so apprehensive of this next decade?

The last time I wrote for 30 days, a change occurred inside of me as I was awakened to a life of simplicity. I discovered a person I wanted to be and the life I wanted to live. I hope the same will take place here on these pages. Writing has been such a wonderful therapeutic release for me and all of you have been my therapists reading every word. You have been there as each layer has been carefully peeled away. Sometimes, it was a perfect and easy peel, all done in one long piece. Another, so many broken ones that brought tears and we wept.

 God has always played a major role in my life and frankly, I cannot imagine Him not being there for me. He knew who I was on the inside and who I could become if I just trusted Him. So I am going to trust Him once again. Let's see what will emerge.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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