Tuesday, May 19, 2020

30 Days Of More : Living More

                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                             everyday is a journey.

Come hither, lads, and harken,
For a tale there is to tell
Of the wonderful days a-coming,
When all shall be better than well.
Come, then, let us cast off fooling,
And put by ease and rest,
For the cause alone is worthy
Till the good days bring the best.
—William Morris

Living life more. Just three little words and yet, I struggle with what that truly means to me. To the average person, it represents spending time with friends and family. It means travelling and enjoying everything on the bucket list. Everyone has their own version of what living life more means to them.

Quite honestly, my life has been spent doing for others, I really don't know how to do for me. I know that the time will come where I will be by myself. I can't even picture that in my mind. It always has been plus one, so trying to select a way of life without the plus one is hard.

So what does it mean to me?

I guess doing the simple every day kind of things that I enjoy like crocheting, reading and feeling the sunshine on my face. I'm not big on making a bucket list a mile long and trying to accomplish it before I die. My living life is just being able to embrace the life I have.

My life needs to have a sense of purpose, a sense of organization and a busyness to it. The more on my plate the better. The more items I can crochet the better. The more charities I can donate to the better. Honestly, the more of what I do now. That to me is living life more. I just want to do more. Be more. Make a more of difference to others and here on Earth. That's what living life more means to me. 

So how do I do that? So how do I live more? I have to be bold and quite frankly, that has never been my strong suit. Just the thought freaks me out. All my insecurities come to the surface and doubt along with fear, run rampant, Breathe in, breathe out.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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