Tuesday, May 26, 2020

30 Days Of More: Releasing The More

                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                   everyday is a journey.

At the devil's booth are all things sold,
Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold;
For a cap and bells our lives we pay,
Bubbles we buy with a whole soul's tasking;
'Tis heaven alone that is given away,
'Tis only God may be had for the asking.
—James Russell Lowell

Have  I mentioned that I began journaling not too long ago? It started as a way to release some stress in my life.  You see, I have noticed my blood pressure rising every time I was in the doctor's office. It worried me that this may become the norm, so I made a decision to do something about it before it got out of hand.

Well, I love the journal. Actually, it become more of a prayer journal than anything else. I found myself praying for everyone. If I found a prayer request on social media or through a friend or even at work, I would write it down in that journal.

I've also noticed another amazing thing at work. I wanted more than anything to release all the negativity, the anger, the past hurt, all of it. I wanted a complete release of anyone that has done any damage to my being. You may laugh and say, you couldn't possibly have so many people or things to release. Well, I am here to tell you that not only I do, but you do, too.

We have a way of collecting things on our beings. Not only objects, but we also collect the unpleasantness of everyday life. If we had a horrible encounter on the road or in a store or even on social media, it stays with us. It defines our remainder of the day. It shapes how we interact with one another, it truly does.

What if we were to release it before it became trapped on our being? What if we were able to shake it off right at the moment of contact? Can you imagine how much better we would feel?

First, I started writing a release prayer in my journal to any current people that have hurt me. Then I released that issue, that hurt at Jesus feet. I made a declaration not to hold onto that hurt, but allow God to take it from me. From this point on, I am free of it all. I am free and I pray God will help me stay free. Release the more, that excess garbage that refuses to leave and only pollutes your existence. Release the more.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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